12.1 Introduction
The touchscreen controller and analog-to-digital converter subsystem (TSC_ADC_SS) is an 8-channel
general-purpose analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with optional support for interleaving touchscreen (TS)
conversions for a 4-wire, 5-wire, or 8-wire resistive panel. The TSC_ADC_SS can be configured for use in
one of the following applications:
8 general-purpose ADC channels
4-wire TSC with 4 general-purpose ADC channels
5-wire TSC with 3 general-purpose ADC channels
8-wire TSC
12.1.1 TSC_ADC Features
The main features of the TSC_ADC_SS include:
Support for 4-wire, 5-wire, and 8-wire resistive TS panels
Support for interleaving TS capture and general-purpose ADC modes
Programmable FSM sequencer that supports 16 steps:
Software register bit for start of conversion
Optional start of conversion HW synchronized to Pen touch or external HW event (but not both)
Single conversion (one-shot)
Continuous conversions
Sequence through all input channels based on a mask
Programmable OpenDelay before sampling each channel
Programmable sampling delay for each channel
Programmable averaging of input samples - 16/8/4/2/1
Differential or singled ended mode setting for each channel
Store data in either of two FIFO groups
Option to encode channel number with data
Support for servicing FIFOs via DMA or CPU
Programmable DMA Request event (for each FIFO)
Dynamically enable or disable channel inputs during operation
Stop bit to end conversion
Support for the following interrupts and status, with masking:
Interrupt for HW pen (touch) event
Interrupt for HW Pen Up event
Interrupt after a sequence of conversions (all non-masked channels)
Interrupt for FIFO threshold levels
Interrupt if sampled data is out of a programmable range
Interrupt for FIFO overflow and underflow conditions
Status bit to indicate if ADC is busy converting
12.1.2 Unsupported TSC_ADC_SS Features
This device supports all TSC_ADC_SS features.
SPRUH73H – October 2011 – Revised April 2013
Touchscreen Controller
Copyright © 2011–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated