GPMC Prefetch and Write-Posting Engine
NAND device data access cycles are usually much slower than the MPU system frequency; such NAND
read or write accesses issued by the processor will impact the overall system performance, especially
considering long read or write sequences required for NAND page loading or programming. To minimize
this effect on system performance, the GPMC includes a prefetch and write-posting engine, which can be
used to read from or write to any chip-select location in a buffered manner.
The prefetch and write-posting engine is a simplified embedded-access requester that presents requests
to the access engine on a user-defined chip-select target. The access engine interleaves these requests
with any request coming from the L3 interface; as a default the prefetch and write-posting engine has the
lowest priority.
The prefetch and write-posting engine is dedicated to data-stream access (as opposed to random data
access); thus, it is primarily dedicated to NAND support. The engine does not include an address
generator; the request is limited to chip-select target identification. It includes a 64-byte FIFO associated
with a DMA request synchronization line, for optimal DMA-based use.
The prefetch and write-posting engine uses an embedded 64 bytes (32 16-bit word) FIFO to prefetch data
from the NAND device in read mode (prefetch mode) or to store host data to be programmed into the
NAND device in write mode (write-posting mode). The FIFO draining and filling (read and write) can be
controlled either by the MPU through interrupt synchronization (an interrupt is triggered whenever a
programmable threshold is reached) or the sDMA through DMA request synchronization, with a
programmable request byte size in both prefetch or posting mode.
The prefetch and write-posting engine includes a single memory pool. Therefore, only one mode, read or
write, can be used at any given time. In other words, the prefetch and write-posting engine is a single-
context engine that can be allocated to only one chip-select at a time for a read prefetch or a write-posting
The engine does not support atomic command and address phase programming and is limited to linear
memory read or write access. In consequence, it is limited to NAND data-stream access. The engine
relies on the MPU NAND software driver to control block and page opening with the correct data address
pointer initialization, before the engine can read from or write to the NAND memory device.
Once started, the engine data reads and writes sequencing is solely based on FIFO location availability
and until the total programmed number of bytes is read or written.
Any host-concurrent accesses to a different chip-select are correctly interleaved with ongoing engine
accesses. The engine has the lowest priority access so that host accesses to a different chip-select do not
suffer a large latency.
A round-robin arbitration scheme can be enabled to ensure minimum bandwidth to the prefetch and write-
posting engine in the case of back-to-back direct memory requests to a different chip-select. If the
GPMC_PREFETCH_CONFIG1[23] PFPWENROUNDROBIN bit is enabled, the arbitration grants the
prefetch and write posting engine access to the GPMC bus for a number of requests programmed in the
The prefetch/write-posting engine read or write request is routed to the access engine with the chip-select
destination ID. After the required arbitration phase, the access engine processes the request as a single
access with the data access size equal to the device size specified in the corresponding chip-select
The destination chip-select configuration must be set to the NAND protocol-compatible configuration for
which address lines are not used (the address bus is not changed from its current value). Selecting a
different chip-select configuration can produce undefined behavior.
SPRUH73H – October 2011 – Revised April 2013
Memory Subsystem
Copyright © 2011–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated