Functional Description
The start address of the FIFO within the RAM block
The maximum size of packet to be supported
Whether double-buffering is required
(These last two together define the amount of space that needs to be allocated to the FIFO.)
It is the responsibility of the firmware to ensure that all the Tx and Rx endpoints (other than endpoint 0)
that are active in the current USB configuration have a block of FIFO RAM allocated for their use. The
maximum FIFO size for endpoint 0 required is 64 bytes deep and which is large enough to buffer one
packet. For this reason, the first 64 bytes of FIFO memory is reserved for Endpoint 0 usage and this
resource allocation is implied to be available at all times and no FIFO allocation is required for Endpoint 0.
For endpoints other than endpoint 0, the FIFO RAM interface is configurable and must have a minimum
size of 8 bytes and should be capable of buffering either 1 or 2 packets. Separate FIFOs may be
associated with each endpoint: alternatively a Tx endpoint and the Rx endpoint with the same Endpoint
number can be configured to use the same FIFO, to reduce the size of RAM block needed, provided they
can never be active at the same time.
NOTE: The option of dynamically setting FIFO sizes only applies to Endpoints 1-15. Endpoint 0 FIFO has
a fixed size (64 bytes) and a fixed location which is the first 64 Bytes of FIFO (FIFO addresses 0-63).
16.3.7 USB Controller Host and Peripheral Modes Operation
The two USB modules can be used in a range of different environments. They can be used as either a
high-speed or a full-speed USB peripheral device attached to a conventional USB host (such as a PC) in
a point-to-point type of arrangement. As a host, the USB modules can also be used with another
peripheral device of any speed (high-,full-, or low-speed) in a point-to-point arrangement or can be used
as the host to a range of peripheral devices in a multi-point setup; one-to-many via hub. Note that the role
each USB controller is assuming is independent of each other. Two options (h/w or s/w) exist for a USB
role assumption/configuration.
For a USB Peripheral configuration the user has the option of using the cable end to select the role by
attaching the mini or micro b side of the cable (can consider this as a h/w option) or use the optional
method where the firmware is required to program the respective USB Mode Register IDDIG bit field with
a value of ‘1’ prior to the USB controller goes into session (can consider this as a s/w option).
Similarly, for a USB host configuration the user has the option of using the cable end to select the role by
attaching the mini or micro a side of the cable (can consider this as a h/w option) or use the optional
method where the firmware is required to program the respective USB Mode Register IDDIG bit field with
a value of ‘0’ value prior to the USB controller going into session (can consider this as a s/w option).
When using the s/w option, the USB ID pin state is ignored/bypassed (this is a similar configuration where
an ID pin does not exist) and the USB2.0 controller role adaptation of a host or peripheral (device) is
dependent upon the state of the respective USB Mode Register IDDIG field. If the IDDIG field is
programmed by the user with a value of ‘1’ prior to the USB going into session, it would assume the role
of a peripheral/device. However, if the IDDIG field is programmed with the value of ‘0’, the USB controller
will assume the role of a host. What this means is that the USB cable end, connector, will not be able to
control the role of the OTG controller and the user needs to be aware of the firmware program setting prior
to performing a USB connection.
The procedure for the USB2.0 OTG controller determining its operating modes (usb controller assuming a
role of a host or a peripheral) starts when the USB 2.0 controller goes into a session. The USB 2.0
controller is in session when either it senses a voltage (>= 4.4V) on the USBx_VBUSIN pin and the
controller sets its DEVCTL[SESSION] bit field or when the firmware sets the DEVCTL[SESSION] bit;
assuming that it will operating as a host.
When the DEVCTL[SESSION] bit is set, the controller will start sensing the state of the Iddig signal, which
in turn is controlled either by the USBx_ID pin (h/w option) or by the IDDIG bit field of the MODE Register
(s/w option). If the state of the iddig signal is found to be low (IDDIG is programmed with ‘0’) then the
USB2.0 controller will assume the role of a host and when it finds the iddig signal to be high (IDDIG is
programmed with ‘1’) then it will assume the role of a device. Note that iddig is an internal signal that
could be driven to high or low via firmware from dedicated registers.
SPRUH73H – October 2011 – Revised April 2013
Universal Serial Bus (USB)
Copyright © 2011–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated