DocID024597 Rev 5
Digital-to-analog converter (DAC)
Simultaneous trigger with different triangle generation
To configure the DAC in this conversion mode, the following sequence is required:
Set the two DAC channel trigger enable bits TEN1 and TEN2
Configure the same trigger source for both DAC channels by setting the same value in
the TSEL1[2:0] and TSEL2[2:0] bits
Configure the two DAC channel WAVEx[1:0] bits as “1x” and set different maximum
amplitude values in the MAMP1[3:0] and MAMP2[3:0] bits
Load the dual DAC channel data into the desired DHR register (DAC_DHR12RD,
When a trigger arrives, the DAC channel1 triangle counter, with a triangle amplitude
configured by MAMP1[3:0], is added to the DHR1 register and the sum is transferred into
DAC_DOR1 (three APB clock cycles later). Then the DAC channel1 triangle counter is
At the same time, the DAC channel2 triangle counter, with a triangle amplitude configured
by MAMP2[3:0], is added to the DHR2 register and the sum is transferred into DAC_DOR2
(three APB1 clock cycles later). Then the DAC channel2 triangle counter is updated.