Debug support (DBG)
DocID024597 Rev 5
It is highly recommended for the debugger host to connect (set a breakpoint in the reset
vector) under system reset.
FPB (Flash patch breakpoint)
The FPB unit:
implements hardware breakpoints
patches code and data from code space to system space. This feature gives the
possibility to correct software bugs located in the Code Memory Space.
The use of a Software Patch or a Hardware Breakpoint is exclusive.
The FPB consists of:
2 literal comparators for matching against literal loads from Code Space and remapping
to a corresponding area in the System Space
6 instruction comparators for matching against instruction fetches from Code Space.
They can be used either to remap to a corresponding area in the System Space or to
generate a Breakpoint Instruction to the core.
DWT (data watchpoint trigger)
The DWT unit consists of four comparators. They are configurable as:
a hardware watchpoint or
a trigger to an ETM or
a PC sampler or
a data address sampler
The DWT also provides some means to give some profiling informations. For this, some
counters are accessible to give the number of:
Clock cycle
Folded instructions
Load store unit (LSU) operations
Sleep cycles
CPI (clock per instructions)
Interrupt overhead