DocID024597 Rev 5
Direct memory access controller (DMA)
transfer operations, these registers keep the initially programmed value. The current
transfer addresses (in the current internal peripheral/memory address register) are not
accessible by software.
If the channel is configured in non-circular mode, no DMA request is served after the last
transfer (that is once the number of data items to be transferred has reached zero). In order
to reload a new number of data items to be transferred into the DMA_CNDTRx register, the
DMA channel must be disabled.
If a DMA channel is disabled, the DMA registers are not reset. The DMA channel registers
(DMA_CCRx, DMA_CPARx and DMA_CMARx) retain the initial values programmed during
the channel configuration phase.
In circular mode, after the last transfer, the DMA_CNDTRx register is automatically reloaded
with the initially programmed value. The current internal address registers are reloaded with
the base address values from the DMA_CPARx/DMA_CMARx registers.
Channel configuration procedure
The following sequence should be followed to configure a DMA channel x (where x is the
channel number).
Set the peripheral register address in the DMA_CPARx
register. The data will be
moved from/ to this address to/ from the memory after the peripheral event.
2. Set the memory address in the DMA_CMARx
register. The data will be written to or
read from this memory after the peripheral event.
3. Configure the total number of data to be transferred in the DMA_CNDTRx
After each peripheral event, this value will be decremented.
4. Configure the channel priority using the PL[1:0] bits in the DMA_CCRx
5. Configure data transfer direction, circular mode, peripheral & memory incremented
mode, peripheral & memory data size, and interrupt after half and/or full transfer in the
6. Activate the channel by setting the ENABLE bit in the DMA_CCRx
As soon as the channel is enabled, it can serve any DMA request from the peripheral
connected on the channel.
Once half of the bytes are transferred, the half-transfer flag (HTIF) is set and an interrupt is
generated if the Half-Transfer Interrupt Enable bit (HTIE) is set. At the end of the transfer,
the Transfer Complete Flag (TCIF) is set and an interrupt is generated if the Transfer
Complete Interrupt Enable bit (TCIE) is set.
Circular mode
Circular mode is available to handle circular buffers and continuous data flows (e.g. ADC
scan mode). This feature can be enabled using the CIRC bit in the DMA_CCRx
When circular mode is activated, the number of data to be transferred is automatically
reloaded with the initial value programmed during the channel configuration phase, and the
DMA requests continue to be served.
Memory-to-memory mode
The DMA channels can also work without being triggered by a request from a peripheral.
This mode is called Memory to Memory mode.