Quad-SPI interface (QUADSPI)
DocID024597 Rev 5
QUADSPI_CCR is written. This is the case when both ADMODE and DMODE are 00, or if
just ADMODE = 00 when in indirect read mode (FMODE = 01).
When an address is required (ADMODE is not 00) and the data register does not need to be
written (when FMODE = 01 or DMODE = 00), the command sequence starts as soon as the
address is updated with a write to QUADSPI_AR.
In case of data transmission (FMODE = 00 and DMODE! = 00), the communication start is
triggered by a write in the FIFO through QUADSPI_DR.
Status flag polling mode
The status flag polling mode is enabled setting the FMODE field (QUADSPI_CCR[27:26]) to
10. In this mode, the programmed frame will be sent and the data retrieved periodically.
The maximum amount of data read in each frame is 4 bytes. If more data is requested in
QUADSPI_DLR, it will be ignored and only 4 bytes will be read.
The periodicity is specified in the QUADSPI_PISR register.
Once the status data has been retrieved, it can internally be processed i order to:
set the status match flag and generate an interrupt if enabled
stop automatically the periodic retrieving of the status bytes
The received value can be masked with the value stored in the QUADSPI_PSMKR and
ORed or ANDed with the value stored in the QUADSPI_PSMAR.
In case of match, the status match flag is set and an interrupt is generated if enabled, and
the QUADSPI can be automatically stopped if the AMPS bit is set.
In any case, the latest retrieved value is available in the QUADSPI_DR.
Memory-mapped mode
In memory-mapped mode, the external Flash memory is seen as internal memory but with
some latency during accesses. Only read operations are allowed to the external Flash
memory in this mode.
Memory-mapped mode is entered by setting the FMODE to 11 in the QUADSPI_CCR
The programmed instruction and frame is sent when a master is accessing the memory
mapped space.
The FIFO is used as a prefetch buffer to anticipate linear reads. Any access to
QUADSPI_DR in this mode returns zero.
The data length register (QUADSPI_DLR) has no meaning in memory-mapped mode.
17.4.12 Sending the instruction only once
Some Flash memories (e.g. Winbound) might provide a mode where an instruction must be
sent only with the first command sequence, while subsequent commands start directly with
the address. One can take advantage of such a feature using the SIOO bit
SIOO is valid for all functional modes (indirect, automatic polling, and memory-mapped). If
the SIOO bit is set, the instruction is sent only for the first command following a write to