DocID024597 Rev 5
General-purpose I/Os (GPIO)
8.3.1 General-purpose
During and just after reset, the alternate functions are not active and most of the I/O ports
are configured in analog mode.
The debug pins are in AF pull-up/pull-down after reset:
PA15: JTDI in pull-up
PA14: JTCK/SWCLK in pull-down
PA13: JTMS/SWDAT in pull-up
PB4: NJTRST in pull-up
PB3: JTDO in floating stateno pull-up/pull-down
On STM32L496xx/4A6xx devices, PH3/BOOT0 is in input mode during the reset until at
least the end of the option byte loading phase. See
Section 8.3.15: Using PH3 as GPIO
(only for STM32L496xx/4A6xx devices)
When the pin is configured as output, the value written to the output data register
(GPIOx_ODR) is output on the I/O pin. It is possible to use the output driver in push-pull
mode or open-drain mode (only the low level is driven, high level is HI-Z).
The input data register (GPIOx_IDR) captures the data present on the I/O pin at every AHB
clock cycle.
All GPIO pins have weak internal pull-up and pull-down resistors, which can be activated or
not depending on the value in the GPIOx_PUPDR register.
I/O pin alternate function multiplexer and mapping
The device I/O pins are connected to on-board peripherals/modules through a multiplexer
that allows only one peripheral alternate function (AF) connected to an I/O pin at a time. In
this way, there can be no conflict between peripherals available on the same I/O pin.
Each I/O pin (except PH3 for STM32L496xx/4A6xx devices) has a multiplexer with up to
sixteen alternate function inputs (AF0 to AF15) that can be configured through the
GPIOx_AFRL (for pin 0 to 7) and GPIOx_AFRH (for pin 8 to 15) registers:
After reset the multiplexer selection is alternate function 0 (AF0). The I/Os are
configured in alternate function mode through GPIOx_MODER register.
The specific alternate function assignments for each pin are detailed in the device
In addition to this flexible I/O multiplexing architecture, each peripheral has alternate
functions mapped onto different I/O pins to optimize the number of peripherals available in
smaller packages.
To use an I/O in a given configuration, the user has to proceed as follows:
Debug function:
after each device reset these pins are assigned as alternate function
pins immediately usable by the debugger host
configure the desired I/O as output, input or analog in the GPIOx_MODER
Peripheral alternate function:
Connect the I/O to the desired AFx in one of the GPIOx_AFRL or GPIOx_AFRH
Select the type, pull-up/pull-down and output speed via the GPIOx_OTYPER,
GPIOx_PUPDR and GPIOx_OSPEEDER registers, respectively.