DocID024597 Rev 5
Analog-to-digital converters (ADC)
18.4.13 Single conversion mode (CONT=0)
In Single conversion mode, the ADC performs once all the conversions of the channels.
This mode is started with the CONT bit at 0 by either:
Setting the ADSTART bit in the ADC_CR register (for a regular channel)
Setting the JADSTART bit in the ADC_CR register (for an injected channel)
External hardware trigger event (for a regular or injected channel)
Inside the regular sequence, after each conversion is complete:
The converted data are stored into the 16-bit ADC_DR register
The EOC (end of regular conversion) flag is set
An interrupt is generated if the EOCIE bit is set
Inside the injected sequence, after each conversion is complete:
The converted data are stored into one of the four 16-bit ADC_JDRy registers
The JEOC (end of injected conversion) flag is set
An interrupt is generated if the JEOCIE bit is set
After the regular sequence is complete:
The EOS (end of regular sequence) flag is set
An interrupt is generated if the EOSIE bit is set
After the injected sequence is complete:
The JEOS (end of injected sequence) flag is set
An interrupt is generated if the JEOSIE bit is set
Then the ADC stops until a new external regular or injected trigger occurs or until bit
ADSTART or JADSTART is set again.
To convert a single channel, program a sequence with a length of 1.
18.4.14 Continuous conversion mode (CONT=1)
This mode applies to regular channels only.
In continuous conversion mode, when a software or hardware regular trigger event occurs,
the ADC performs once all the regular conversions of the channels and then automatically
re-starts and continuously converts each conversions of the sequence. This mode is started
with the CONT bit at 1 either by external trigger or by setting the ADSTART bit in the
ADC_CR register.
Inside the regular sequence, after each conversion is complete:
The converted data are stored into the 16-bit ADC_DR register
The EOC (end of conversion) flag is set
An interrupt is generated if the EOCIE bit is set
After the sequence of conversions is complete:
The EOS (end of sequence) flag is set
An interrupt is generated if the EOSIE bit is set
Then, a new sequence restarts immediately and the ADC continuously repeats the
conversion sequence.