DocID024597 Rev 5
Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter (USART)
Bit 11
: Receiver timeout
This bit is set by hardware when the timeout value, programmed in the RTOR register has
lapsed, without any communication. It is cleared by software, writing 1 to the RTOCF bit in
the USART_ICR register.
An interrupt is generated if RTOIE=1 in the USART_CR1 register.
In Smartcard mode, the timeout corresponds to the CWT or BWT timings.
0: Timeout value not reached
1: Timeout value reached without any data reception
Note: If a time equal to the value programmed in RTOR register separates 2 characters,
RTOF is not set. If this time exceeds this value + 2 sample times (2/16 or 2/8,
depending on the oversampling method), RTOF flag is set.
The counter counts even if RE = 0 but RTOF is set only when RE = 1. If the timeout has
already elapsed when RE is set, then RTOF will be set.
If the USART does not support the Receiver timeout feature, this bit is reserved and
forced by hardware to ‘0’.
Bit 10
: CTS flag
This bit is set/reset by hardware. It is an inverted copy of the status of the CTS input pin.
0: CTS line set
1: CTS line reset
Note: If the hardware flow control feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by
hardware to ‘0’.
Bit 9
: CTS interrupt flag
This bit is set by hardware when the CTS input toggles, if the CTSE bit is set. It is cleared by
software, by writing 1 to the CTSCF bit in the USART_ICR register.
An interrupt is generated if CTSIE=1 in the USART_CR3 register.
0: No change occurred on the CTS status line
1: A change occurred on the CTS status line
Note: If the hardware flow control feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by
hardware to ‘0’.
Bit 8
: LIN break detection flag
This bit is set by hardware when the LIN break is detected. It is cleared by software, by
writing 1 to the LBDCF in the USART_ICR.
An interrupt is generated if LBDIE = 1 in the USART_CR2 register.
0: LIN Break not detected
1: LIN break detected
Note: If the USART does not support LIN mode, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware
to ‘0’. Please refer to
Section 40.4: USART implementation on page 1304
Bit 7
: Transmit data register empty
This bit is set by hardware when the content of the USART_TDR register has been
transferred into the shift register. It is cleared by a write to the USART_TDR register.
The TXE flag can also be cleared by writing 1 to the TXFRQ in the USART_RQR register, in
order to discard the data (only in Smartcard T=0 mode, in case of transmission failure).
An interrupt is generated if the TXEIE bit =1 in the USART_CR1 register.
0: data is not transferred to the shift register
1: data is transferred to the shift register)
Note: This bit is used during single buffer transmission.