SD/SDIO/MMC card host interface (SDMMC)
DocID024597 Rev 5
The bus is activated.
2. The SDMMC card host broadcasts SD_APP_OP_COND (ACMD41).
3. The cards respond with the contents of their operation condition registers.
4. The incompatible cards are placed in the inactive state.
5. The SDMMC card host broadcasts ALL_SEND_CID (CMD2) to all active cards.
6. The cards send back their unique card identification numbers (CIDs) and enter the
Identification state.
7. The SDMMC card host issues SET_RELATIVE_ADDR (CMD3) to an active card with
an address. This new address is called the relative card address (RCA); it is shorter
than the CID and addresses the card. The assigned card changes to the Standby state.
The SDMMC card host can reissue this command to change the RCA. The RCA of the
card is the last assigned value.
8. The SDMMC card host repeats steps 5 through 7 with all active cards.
For the SD I/O card, the registration process is accomplished as follows:
The bus is activated.
2. The SDMMC card host sends IO_SEND_OP_COND (CMD5).
3. The cards respond with the contents of their operation condition registers.
4. The incompatible cards are set to the inactive state.
5. The SDMMC card host issues SET_RELATIVE_ADDR (CMD3) to an active card with
an address. This new address is called the relative card address (RCA); it is shorter
than the CID and addresses the card. The assigned card changes to the Standby state.
The SDMMC card host can reissue this command to change the RCA. The RCA of the
card is the last assigned value.
45.4.5 Block
During block write (CMD24 - 27) one or more blocks of data are transferred from the host to
the card with a CRC appended to the end of each block by the host. A card supporting block
write is always able to accept a block of data defined by WRITE_BL_LEN. If the CRC fails,
the card indicates the failure on the SDMMC_D line and the transferred data are discarded
and not written, and all further transmitted blocks (in multiple block write mode) are ignored.
If the host uses partial blocks whose accumulated length is not block aligned and, block
misalignment is not allowed (CSD parameter WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN is not set), the card
will detect the block misalignment error before the beginning of the first misaligned block.
(ADDRESS_ERROR error bit is set in the status register). The write operation will also be
aborted if the host tries to write over a write-protected area. In this case, however, the card
will set the WP_VIOLATION bit.
Programming of the CID and CSD registers does not require a previous block length setting.
The transferred data is also CRC protected. If a part of the CSD or CID register is stored in
ROM, then this unchangeable part must match the corresponding part of the receive buffer.
If this match fails, then the card reports an error and does not change any register contents.
Some cards may require long and unpredictable times to write a block of data. After
receiving a block of data and completing the CRC check, the card begins writing and holds
the SDMMC_D line low if its write buffer is full and unable to accept new data from a new
WRITE_BLOCK command. The host may poll the status of the card with a SEND_STATUS
command (CMD13) at any time, and the card will respond with its status. The
READY_FOR_DATA status bit indicates whether the card can accept new data or whether
the write process is still in progress. The host may deselect the card by issuing CMD7 (to