DocID024597 Rev 5
Clock recovery system (CRS) (only valid for STM32L496xx/4A6xx devices)
Clock recovery system (CRS)
(only valid for
STM32L496xx/4A6xx devices)
7.1 Introduction
The clock recovery system (CRS) is an advanced digital controller acting on the internal
fine-granularity trimmable RC oscillator HSI48. The CRS provides a powerful means for
oscillator output frequency evaluation, based on comparison with a selectable
synchronization signal. It is capable of doing automatic adjustment of oscillator trimming
based on the measured frequency error value, while keeping the possibility of a manual
The CRS is ideally suited to provide a precise clock to the USB peripheral. In such case, the
synchronization signal can be derived from the start-of-frame (SOF) packet signalization on
the USB bus, which is sent by a USB host at precise 1-ms intervals.
The synchronization signal can also be derived from the LSE oscillator output or it can be
generated by user software.
CRS main features
Selectable synchronization source with programmable prescaler and polarity:
External pin
LSE oscillator output
USB SOF packet reception
Possibility to generate synchronization pulses by software
Automatic oscillator trimming capability with no need of CPU action
Manual control option for faster start-up convergence
16-bit frequency error counter with automatic error value capture and reload
Programmable limit for automatic frequency error value evaluation and status reporting
Maskable interrupts/events:
Expected synchronization (ESYNC)
Synchronization OK (SYNCOK)
Synchronization warning (SYNCWARN)
Synchronization or trimming error (ERR)