General-purpose timers (TIM2/TIM3/TIM4/TIM5)
DocID024597 Rev 5
Bits 6:4
: Trigger selection
This bit-field selects the trigger input to be used to synchronize the counter.
000: Internal Trigger 0 (ITR0). reserved
001: Internal Trigger 1 (ITR1).
010: Internal Trigger 2 (ITR2).
011: Internal Trigger 3 (ITR3). reserved
100: TI1 Edge Detector (TI1F_ED)
101: Filtered Timer Input 1 (TI1FP1)
110: Filtered Timer Input 2 (TI2FP2)
111: External Trigger input (ETRF)
Table 192: TIMx internal trigger connection on page 1032
for more details on ITRx
meaning for each Timer.
Note: These bits must be changed only when they are not used (e.g. when SMS=000) to
avoid wrong edge detections at the transition.
Bit 3
: OCREF clear selection
This bit is used to select the OCREF clear source
0: OCREF_CLR_INT is connected to the OCREF_CLR input
1: OCREF_CLR_INT is connected to ETRF
Bits 2:0
: Slave mode selection
When external signals are selected the active edge of the trigger signal (TRGI) is linked to
the polarity selected on the external input (see Input Control register and Control Register
0000: Slave mode disabled - if CEN = ‘1 then the prescaler is clocked directly by the internal
0001: Encoder mode 1 - Counter counts up/down on TI1FP1 edge depending on TI2FP2
0010: Encoder mode 2 - Counter counts up/down on TI2FP2 edge depending on TI1FP1
0011: Encoder mode 3 - Counter counts up/down on both TI1FP1 and TI2FP2 edges
depending on the level of the other input.
0100: Reset Mode - Rising edge of the selected trigger input (TRGI) reinitializes the counter
and generates an update of the registers.
0101: Gated Mode - The counter clock is enabled when the trigger input (TRGI) is high. The
counter stops (but is not reset) as soon as the trigger becomes low. Both start and stop of
the counter are controlled.
0110: Trigger Mode - The counter starts at a rising edge of the trigger TRGI (but it is not
reset). Only the start of the counter is controlled.
0111: External Clock Mode 1 - Rising edges of the selected trigger (TRGI) clock the counter.
1000: Combined reset + trigger mode - Rising edge of the selected trigger input (TRGI)
reinitializes the counter, generates an update of the registers and starts the counter.
Note: The gated mode must not be used if TI1F_ED is selected as the trigger input (TS=100).
Indeed, TI1F_ED outputs 1 pulse for each transition on TI1F, whereas the gated mode
checks the level of the trigger signal.
Note: The clock of the slave timer must be enabled prior to receive events from the master
timer, and must not be changed on-the-fly while triggers are received from the master
Table 192. TIMx internal trigger connection
Slave TIM
ITR0 (TS = 000)
ITR1 (TS = 001)
ITR2 (TS = 010)
ITR3 (TS = 011)