General-purpose I/Os (GPIO)
DocID024597 Rev 5
Configure the desired I/O as an alternate function in the GPIOx_MODER register.
Additional functions:
For the ADC, DAC, OPAMP, and COMP, configure the desired I/O in analog mode
in the GPIOx_MODER register and configure the required function in the ADC,
DAC, OPAMP, and COMP registers. For the ADC, it is necessary to configure the
GPIOx_ASCR register (only for Cat. 2 devices).
For the additional functions like RTC, WKUPx and oscillators, configure the
required function in the related RTC, PWR and RCC registers. These functions
have priority over the configuration in the standard GPIO registers.
Refer to the “Alternate function mapping” table in the device datasheet for the detailed
mapping of the alternate function I/O pins.
I/O port control registers
Each of the GPIO ports has four 32-bit memory-mapped control registers (GPIOx_MODER,
GPIOx_OTYPER, GPIOx_OSPEEDR, GPIOx_PUPDR) to configure up to 16 I/Os. The
GPIOx_MODER register is used to select the I/O mode (input, output, AF, analog). The
GPIOx_OTYPER and GPIOx_OSPEEDR registers are used to select the output type (push-
pull or open-drain) and speed. The GPIOx_PUPDR register is used to select the pull-
up/pull-down whatever the I/O direction.
I/O port data registers
Each GPIO has two 16-bit memory-mapped data registers: input and output data registers
(GPIOx_IDR and GPIOx_ODR). GPIOx_ODR stores the data to be output, it is read/write
accessible. The data input through the I/O are stored into the input data register
(GPIOx_IDR), a read-only register.
Section 8.4.5: GPIO port input data register (GPIOx_IDR) (x = A..I)
GPIO port output data register (GPIOx_ODR) (x = A..I)
for the register descriptions.
I/O data bitwise handling
The bit set reset register (GPIOx_BSRR) is a 32-bit register which allows the application to
set and reset each individual bit in the output data register (GPIOx_ODR). The bit set reset
register has twice the size of GPIOx_ODR.
To each bit in GPIOx_ODR, correspond two control bits in GPIOx_BSRR: BS(i) and BR(i).
When written to 1, bit BS(i)
the corresponding ODR(i) bit. When written to 1, bit BR(i)
the ODR(i) corresponding bit.
Writing any bit to 0 in GPIOx_BSRR does not have any effect on the corresponding bit in
GPIOx_ODR. If there is an attempt to both set and reset a bit in GPIOx_BSRR, the set
action takes priority.
Using the GPIOx_BSRR register to change the values of individual bits in GPIOx_ODR is a
“one-shot” effect that does not lock the GPIOx_ODR bits. The GPIOx_ODR bits can always
be accessed directly. The GPIOx_BSRR register provides a way of performing atomic
bitwise handling.
There is no need for the software to disable interrupts when programming the GPIOx_ODR
at bit level: it is possible to modify one or more bits in a single atomic AHB write access.