Quad-SPI interface (QUADSPI)
DocID024597 Rev 5
Bit 4
: Sample shift
By default, the QUADSPI samples data 1/2 of a CLK cycle after the data is driven by the
Flash memory. This bit allows the data is to be sampled later in order to account for
external signal delays.
0: No shift
1: 1/2 cycle shift
Firmware must assure that SSHIFT = 0 when in DDR mode (when DDRM = 1).
This field can be modified only when BUSY = 0.
Bit 3
: Timeout counter enable
This bit is valid only when memory-mapped mode (FMODE = 11) is selected. Activating
this bit causes the chip select (nCS) to be released (and thus reduces consumption) if
there has not been an access after a certain amount of time, where this time is defined
Enable the timeout counter.
By default, the QUADSPI never stops its prefetch operation, keeping the previous read
operation active with nCS maintained low, even if no access to the Flash memory
occurs for a long time. Since Flash memories tend to consume more when nCS is held
low, the application might want to activate the timeout counter (TCEN = 1,
QUADSPI_CR[3]) so that nCS is released after a period of TIMEOUT[15:0]
(QUADSPI_LPTR) cycles have elapsed without an access since when the FIFO
becomes full with prefetch data.
0: Timeout counter is disabled, and thus the chip select (nCS) remains active
indefinitely after an access in memory-mapped mode.
1: Timeout counter is enabled, and thus the chip select is released in memory-mapped
mode after TIMEOUT[15:0] cycles of Flash memory inactivity.
This bit can be modified only when BUSY = 0.
Bit 2
: DMA enable
In indirect mode, DMA can be used to input or output data via the QUADSPI_DR
register. DMA transfers are initiated when the FIFO threshold flag, FTF, is set.
0: DMA is disabled for indirect mode
1: DMA is enabled for indirect mode
Bit 1
: Abort request
This bit aborts the on-going command sequence. It is automatically reset once the abort
is complete.
This bit stops the current transfer.
In polling mode or memory-mapped mode, this bit also reset the APM bit or the DM bit.
0: No abort requested
1: Abort requested
Bit 0
: Enable
Enable the QUADSPI.
0: QUADSPI is disabled
1: QUADSPI is enabled