DocID024597 Rev 5
Quad-SPI interface (QUADSPI)
parallel, but the data that are sent to (or received from) FLASH 1 are distinct from those of
QUADSPI indirect mode
When in indirect mode, commands are started by writing to QUADSPI registers and data is
transferred by writing or reading the data register, in the same way as for other
communication peripherals.
When FMODE = 00 (QUADSPI_CCR[27:26]), the QUADSPI is in indirect write mode,
where bytes are sent to the Flash memory during the data phase. Data are provided by
writing to the data register (QUADSPI_DR).
When FMODE = 01, the QUADSPI is in indirect read mode, where bytes are received from
the Flash memory during the data phase. Data are recovered by reading QUADSPI_DR.
The number of bytes to be read/written is specified in the data length register
(QUADSPI_DLR). If QUADSPI_DLR = 0xFFFF_FFFF (all 1’s), then the data length is
considered undefined and the QUADSPI simply continues to transfer data until the end of
Flash memory (as defined by FSIZE) is reached. If no bytes are to be transferred, DMODE
(QUADSPI_CCR[25:24]) should be set to 00.
If QUADSPI_DLR = 0xFFFF_FFFF and FSIZE = 0x1F (max value indicating a 4GB Flash
memory), then in this special case the transfers continue indefinitely, stopping only after an
abort request or after the QUADSPI is disabled. After the last memory address is read (at
address 0xFFFF_FFFF), reading continues with address = 0x0000_0000.
When the programmed number of bytes to be transmitted or received is reached, TCF is set
and an interrupt is generated if TCIE = 1. In the case of undefined number of data, the TCF
is set when the limit of the external SPI memory is reached according to the Flash memory
size defined in the QUADSPI_CR.
Triggering the start of a command
Essentially, a command starts as soon as firmware gives the last information that is
necessary for this command. Depending on the QUADSPI configuration, there are three
different ways to trigger the start of a command in indirect mode. The commands starts
immediately after:
a write is performed to INSTRUCTION[7:0] (QUADSPI_CCR), if no address is
necessary (when ADMODE = 00) and if no data needs to be provided by the firmware
(when FMODE = 01 or DMODE = 00)
2. a write is performed to ADDRESS[31:0] (QUADSPI_AR), if an address is necessary
(when ADMODE != 00) and if no data needs to be provided by the firmware (when
FMODE = 01 or DMODE = 00)
3. a write is performed to DATA[31:0] (QUADSPI_DR), if an address is necessary (when
ADMODE != 00) and if data needs to be provided by the firmware (when FMODE = 00
and DMODE != 00)
Writes to the alternate byte register (QUADSPI_ABR) never trigger the communication start.
If alternate bytes are required, they must be programmed before.
As soon as a command is started, the BUSY bit (bit 5 of QUADSPI_SR) is automatically set.