DocID024597 Rev 5
Analog-to-digital converters (ADC)
Bit 5
: ADC stop of injected conversion command
This bit is set by software to stop and discard an ongoing injected conversion (JADSTP Command).
It is cleared by hardware when the conversion is effectively discarded and the ADC injected
sequence and triggers can be re-configured. The ADC is then ready to accept a new start of injected
conversions (JADSTART command).
0: No ADC stop injected conversion command ongoing
1: Write 1 to stop injected conversions ongoing. Read 1 means that an ADSTP command is in
Note: Software is allowed to set JADSTP only when JADSTART=1 and ADDIS=0 (ADC is enabled
and eventually converting an injected conversion and there is no pending request to disable the
In auto-injection mode (JAUTO=1), setting ADSTP bit aborts both regular and injected
conversions (do not use JADSTP)
Bit 4
: ADC stop of regular conversion command
This bit is set by software to stop and discard an ongoing regular conversion (ADSTP Command).
It is cleared by hardware when the conversion is effectively discarded and the ADC regular
sequence and triggers can be re-configured. The ADC is then ready to accept a new start of regular
conversions (ADSTART command).
0: No ADC stop regular conversion command ongoing
1: Write 1 to stop regular conversions ongoing. Read 1 means that an ADSTP command is in
Note: Software is allowed to set ADSTP only when ADSTART=1 and ADDIS=0 (ADC is enabled and
eventually converting a regular conversion and there is no pending request to disable the
In auto-injection mode (JAUTO=1), setting ADSTP bit aborts both regular and injected
conversions (do not use JADSTP).
In dual ADC regular simultaneous mode and interleaved mode, the bit ADSTP of the master
ADC must be used to stop regular conversions. The other ADSTP bit is inactive.
Bit 3
: ADC start of injected conversion
This bit is set by software to start ADC conversion of injected channels. Depending on the
configuration bits JEXTEN, a conversion will start immediately (software trigger configuration) or
once an injected hardware trigger event occurs (hardware trigger configuration).
It is cleared by hardware:
– in single conversion mode when software trigger is selected (JEXTSEL=0x0): at the assertion of the
End of Injected Conversion Sequence (JEOS) flag.
– in all cases: after the execution of the JADSTP command, at the same time that JADSTP is cleared
by hardware.
0: No ADC injected conversion is ongoing.
1: Write 1 to start injected conversions. Read 1 means that the ADC is operating and eventually
converting an injected channel.
Note: Software is allowed to set JADSTART only when ADEN=1 and ADDIS=0 (ADC is enabled and
there is no pending request to disable the ADC).
In auto-injection mode (JAUTO=1), regular and auto-injected conversions are started by setting
bit ADSTART (JADSTART must be kept cleared)