Analog-to-digital converters (ADC)
DocID024597 Rev 5
reset and the injected channel sequence switches are launched (all the injected
channels are converted once).
3. Then, the regular conversion of the regular group of channels is resumed from the last
interrupted regular conversion.
4. If a regular event occurs during an injected conversion, the injected conversion is not
interrupted but the regular sequence is executed at the end of the injected sequence.
shows the corresponding timing diagram.
When using triggered injection, one must ensure that the interval between trigger events is
longer than the injection sequence. For instance, if the sequence length is 28 ADC clock
cycles (that is two conversions with a sampling time of 1.5 clock periods), the minimum
interval between triggers must be 29 ADC clock cycles.
Auto-injection mode
If the JAUTO bit in the ADC_CFGR register is set, then the channels in the injected group
are automatically converted after the regular group of channels. This can be used to convert
a sequence of up to 20 conversions programmed in the ADC_SQR and ADC_JSQR
In this mode, the ADSTART bit in the ADC_CR register must be set to start regular
conversions, followed by injected conversions (JADSTART must be kept cleared). Setting
the ADSTP bit aborts both regular and injected conversions (JADSTP bit must not be used).
In this mode, external trigger on injected channels must be disabled.
If the CONT bit is also set in addition to the JAUTO bit, regular channels followed by injected
channels are continuously converted.
It is not possible to use both the auto-injected and discontinuous modes simultaneously.
When the DMA is used for exporting regular sequencer’s data in JAUTO mode, it is
necessary to program it in circular mode (CIRC bit set in DMA_CCRx register). If the CIRC
bit is reset (single-shot mode), the JAUTO sequence will be stopped upon DMA Transfer
Complete event.