DocID024597 Rev 5
Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter (USART)
The oversampling method can be selected by programming the OVER8 bit in the
USART_CR1 register and can be either 16 or 8 times the baud rate clock (
Depending on the application:
Select oversampling by 8 (OVER8=1) to achieve higher speed (up to f
/8). In this
case the maximum receiver tolerance to clock deviation is reduced (refer to
Section 40.5.5: Tolerance of the USART receiver to clock deviation on page 1320
Select oversampling by 16 (OVER8=0) to increase the tolerance of the receiver to
clock deviations. In this case, the maximum speed is limited to maximum f
/16 where
is the clock source frequency.
Programming the ONEBIT bit in the USART_CR3 register selects the method used to
evaluate the logic level. There are two options:
The majority vote of the three samples in the center of the received bit. In this case,
when the 3 samples used for the majority vote are not equal, the NF bit is set
A single sample in the center of the received bit
Depending on the application:
select the three samples’ majority vote method (ONEBIT=0) when operating in a
noisy environment and reject the data when a noise is detected (refer to
) because this indicates that a glitch occurred during the sampling.
select the single sample method (ONEBIT=1) when the line is noise-free to
increase the receiver’s tolerance to clock deviations (see
Tolerance of the USART receiver to clock deviation on page 1320
). In this case
the NF bit will never be set.
When noise is detected in a frame:
The NF bit is set at the rising edge of the RXNE bit.
The invalid data is transferred from the Shift register to the USART_RDR register.
No interrupt is generated in case of single byte communication. However this bit rises
at the same time as the RXNE bit which itself generates an interrupt. In case of
multibuffer communication an interrupt will be issued if the EIE bit is set in the
USART_CR3 register.
The NF bit is reset by setting NFCF bit in ICR register.
Oversampling by 8 is not available in LIN, Smartcard and IrDA modes. In those modes, the
OVER8 bit is forced to ‘0’ by hardware.