Interface A2, Release Date: 02.03.2022
Page 52
LVMC User Manul A2 - 499.027.82
Unteregger Strasse 53
CH-9403 Goldach
Phone: +41 (0)71 844 02 00
+41 (0)71 844 02 10
e-mail: [email protected]
web: www.optronic.ch
“Channel Selection”:
I/Os 1 and 2 are used as digital inputs to select the active channel. The active channel is
used for assignments “Channel by Inputs: Detection” and “Channel by Inputs: Quantity”.
“Channel by Switch: Detection”:
The output is assigned to the channel selected by the switch in mode “detection”: The
signal is set when an object is detected by the assigned channel.
“Channel by Switch: Quantity”:
The output is assigned to the channel selected by the switch in mode “quantity”: The
signal is set when the by parameter “Quantity” defined number of objects is detected by
the assigned channel.
“Channel by Inputs: Detection”:
The output is assigned to the channel selected by the digital optocoupler inputs in mode
“detection”: The signal is set when an object is detected. by the assigned channel
“Channel by Inputs: Quantity”:
The output is assigned to the channel selected by the digital optocoupler inputs in mode
“quantity”: The signal is set when the by parameter “Quantity” defined number of objects
is detected by the assigned channel.
To select the polarity of the signal at the digital I/O pin.
For an output, a positive polarity means that the optocoupler of this output pin is conduct-
ing when the output is set, and open when it is not set.
For an output, a negative polarity means that the optocoupler of this output pin is conduct-
ing when the output is not set, and open when it is set.
For an input, a positive polarity means that the input is set when the optocoupler of this
input pin is conducting, and that the input is not set when it is open. For edge triggered
assignments, a positive polarity means that the positive edge is evaluated (transition of
the optocoupler from open to conducting).
For an input, a negative polarity means that the input is set when the optocoupler of this
input pin is open, and that the input is not set when it is conducting. For edge triggered
assignments, a negative polarity means that the negative edge is evaluated (transition of
the optocoupler from conducting to open).
If the checkbox “Once” is marked and the channel is assigned in mode “detection”, the
corresponding counter counts up to 1 when the first object is detected by the channel. The
signal is set and the counter stops counting when the first object is detected.
If the checkbox “Once” is marked and the channel is assigned in mode “quantity”, the cor-
responding counter counts up to the number given in parameter “Quantity” when the
channel has detected an object. When this quantity is reached, the signal is set, and the
counter stops counting.
If the checkbox “Once” is not marked and the channel is assigned in mode “detection”, the
corresponding counter counts up when the channel has detected an object.
If the checkbox “Once” is not marked and the channel is assigned in mode “quantity”, the
corresponding counter counts up to the number given in parameter “Quantity” when the
channel has detected an object. When this quantity is reached, the signal is set, and the
counter is automatically reset to 0.