Interface A2, Release Date: 02.03.2022
Page 41
LVMC User Manul A2 - 499.027.82
Unteregger Strasse 53
CH-9403 Goldach
Phone: +41 (0)71 844 02 00
+41 (0)71 844 02 10
e-mail: [email protected]
web: www.optronic.ch
Establishing a Connection with a LVMC
Via the menu entries “Connect to LVMC by USB” and “Connect to
LVMC by Ethernet” in the menu “Communication”, the connection to
an LVMC connected to the computer via USB or accessible via Ether-
net can be established.
When connecting via USB, a dialog box with a progress bar appears
immediately. It is closed again as soon as the connection has been established. The CMT connects to the
first light curtain that is found. The search continues until a free LVMC is found or the “Cancel” button is
pressed in the dialog box.
When connecting via Ethernet, the Ethernet host name or IP address must be entered first. The CMT remem-
bers the last input made and automatically offers it again at the next connection attempt. Then the CMT asks
for the password the connection is secured with. The CMT password can be set in the CMT via the menu
entry “Change CMT Password” in menu “Miscellaneous”. The default password at delivery is “1234”. Similar
to the connection via USB, a dialog box with a progress bar appears. It is closed again as soon as the con-
nection has been established The search for this LVMC continues until it is found or the “Cancel” button is
pressed in the dialog box. If the entered password does not match the one stored in the LVMC, a dialog box
will appear and the connection will be rejected.
When the connection is successfully established, the five pages “Configuration“, “Status“, “Analysis“, “Statis-
tics & Automatic“ and “Error Log“ are available. The configuration page is first displayed in the foreground.
If the LVMC has detected and logged an error in the current run, and showing notification messages is acti-
vated (menu “Miscellaneous“, entry “Show Notification Messages“), a dialog box prompts you to check the
error log: