Interface A2, Release Date: 02.03.2022
Page 35
LVMC User Manul A2 - 499.027.82
Unteregger Strasse 53
CH-9403 Goldach
Phone: +41 (0)71 844 02 00
+41 (0)71 844 02 10
e-mail: [email protected]
web: www.optronic.ch
Via the entry “Download Documentation“, the current documentation for the light curtain can be down-
loaded from the internet.
Via the entry “Exit”, the CMT software ist terminated. Alternatively, you can click on the red
"close" icon in the upper right corner of the window.
Menu „Communication“
Explanations of the available menu entries:
Via the entry “Connect to LVMC by USB” the connection to a light curtain connected via USB can be es-
tablished. Once the connection has been established, the five pages “Configuration”, “Status”, “Analysis”,
“Statistics & Automatic” and “Error Log” are available in the program window, in addition to the menu and
the message log.
Via the entry “Connect to LVMC by Ethernet” the connection to a light curtain accessible via Ethernet can
be established. Once the connection has been established, the five pages “Configuration”, “Status”,
“Analysis”, “Statistics & Automatic” and “Error Log” are available in the program window, in addition to
the menu and the message log. The default password that is set at deliver time, which is required for au-
thentication, is „1234“.
Via the entry "Disconnect from LVMC", the CMT is disconnected from the LVMC. The five pages “Config-
uration”, “Status”, “Analysis”, “Statistics & Automatic” and “Error Log” are no more available, the program
window only consists of menu and message log.
Menu „Test“
Explanations of the available menu entries:
Via the entry “Set Optocoupler Outputs”, a dialog window is opened, by which the optocoupler outputs,
with the exception of output 1 (permanently assigned to signal “Monitoring 2 (LVMC Operational)”), can
be switched manually. Detailed information can be found in chapter 0.
Via the entry “Optocoupler Outputs Frequency Test“, a dialog window is opened, by which a frequency
test of the optocoupler outputs, with the exception of output 1 (permanently assigned to signal “Monitor-
ing 2 (LVMC Operational)”), can be carried out. Detailed information can be found in chapter 0.