Interface A2, Release Date: 02.03.2022
Page 19
LVMC User Manul A2 - 499.027.82
Unteregger Strasse 53
CH-9403 Goldach
Phone: +41 (0)71 844 02 00
+41 (0)71 844 02 10
e-mail: [email protected]
web: www.optronic.ch
Object Detection Methods
The LVMC knows different methods how objects can be detected by the channels and when the detection of
an object is reported. Basically, two modes are supported: “single” and “combined”:
In “single” mode, each channel operates independently of all others. A channel detects a passing object if the
geometry and the passing time match the configuration parameters set for the channel. A passing object can
therefore be detected simultaneously by several channels.
In “combined” mode, a passing object is always detected by only one channel. First, all channels are identi-
fied that detect the passing object. A channel detects a passing object if the geometry and the passing time
match the configuration parameters set for the channel. Among the identified channels, the one with the
largest minimum size is selected. If the same highest minimum size is set for more than one of the channels
that have detected the passing object, the channel with the lowest channel number is selected.
For example, if the minimum sizes for channels 1 through 4 are set to 1, 2, 4, and 8mm, and the size of the
passing object is 5mm, channels 1 through 3 are selected first, but not channel 4. Among the selected chan-
nels, channel 3 now has the largest minimum size (4mm) and the object is therefore assigned to this chan-
Five object detection methods are available:
“Each channel separately, while object within sensing area”:
Each channel works separately. A channel reports detection during the whole time the object is in the sens-
ing area.
“Each channel separately, when object is entering the sensing area”:
Each channel works separately. A channel reports detection when the object enters the sensing area.
“Each channel separately, when object is leaving the sensing area”:
Each channel works separately. A channel reports detection, when the object is leaving the sensing area.
“All channels combined, manual mode, when object is leaving the sensing area”:
When the object leaves the sensing area, the channel that has set the highest minimum size among the
channels that have detected the object reports the detection. If the same highest minimum size is set for
more than one of the channels that have detected the passing object, the channel with the lowest channel
number is selected.
“All channels combined, automatic mode, when object is leaving the sensing area”:
In automatic mode, the light curtain autonomously parameterizes the settings “Minimum Area” and option-
ally “Gap Suppression Time” at runtime. It is assumed that only one object type passes the sensing area
during a run. The task is to filter out faulty objects whose size deviates from the standard. Therefore, the
LVMC continuously collects data about the objects that pass through the sensing area and learns from