Interface A2, Release Date: 02.03.2022
Page 37
LVMC User Manul A2 - 499.027.82
Unteregger Strasse 53
CH-9403 Goldach
Phone: +41 (0)71 844 02 00
+41 (0)71 844 02 10
e-mail: [email protected]
web: www.optronic.ch
Via the entry “Configure Speed Measurement”, the integrated speed measurement for the activated tim-
er(s) can be configured. For each timer, the measurement distance, i.e. the distance between the LVMCs
sensing area and the location of the second sensor involved in the measurement, must be specified. The
speed can be displayed in units of km/h or m/s. The update mode determines when the displayed speed
value is updated. It can be selected between “continuous” and “when stopped”. In the “continuous”
mode, the displayed speed is periodically updated beginning from the moment the timer is started. Once
the timer has been stopped, the displayed value stops at the value calculated by use of the measured du-
ration. In between, the hypothetical speed corresponding to the currently elapsed time is displayed. In the
“stopped” mode, a speed value is not displayed until the timer has been stopped.
For each timer, the selection box “Enabled” can be used to decide whether a speed measurement should
be carried out or not. In addition, a label can be specified. In the background, an image can be displayed
instead of a white plane. To enable it, the selection box “With Picture” must be marked. By pressing the
“Choose” button, you can choose any image to be displayed. If no picture is selected, the picture stored
internally in the CMT is displayed.
Via the entries “Run Speed Measurement in Window” and “Run Speed Measurement in Full-Screen Mode
(press ESC to terminate)” the speed measurement is started. A new window opens when the first entry is
selected. The second entry starts the measurement in full screen mode, which can be terminated by
pressing the Escape key. When the timer is stopped, either a white area is displayed, or the label and the
calculated speed of the last time measurement are displayed, if the speed measurement was already
running during the last time measurement.