Interface A2, Release Date: 02.03.2022
Page 26
LVMC User Manul A2 - 499.027.82
Unteregger Strasse 53
CH-9403 Goldach
Phone: +41 (0)71 844 02 00
+41 (0)71 844 02 10
e-mail: [email protected]
web: www.optronic.ch
Analysis Function
In addition to the four counting channels for simultaneous detection of different objects, the LVMC light cur-
tain offers another channel, which is reserved exclusively for the integrated analysis function. This additional
channel always works with the entered minimum required object size. There is no input for the minimum
area, the minimum passing time and the minimum expected passing time, however, the gap suppression
time can be defined.
The projected image of an object detected by this channel is recorded by the LVMC and displayed visually in
the CMT in a two-dimensional image. Horizontally, the extent and vertically, the time are plotted. Recorded
images can be stored via the CMT in a folder on a drive of the computer on which the CMT is running. Due to
the limited transfer rate between LVMC and CMT and the limited computing power of the LVMC (and possi-
bly the computer on which the CMT is running), not all of the captured objects may be visually displayed and
not all images may be stored.
In addition, the LVMC provides various information about the last detected object and statistical data for all
detected objects. Examples are the passing time and the maximum size of the last detected object, or the
highest passing time and the highest maximum size measured since the last restart of the LVMC or the reset
of the statistics.
Histogram and Statistical Data
During operation, the LVMC continuously collects statistical data on the area and the passing time of the
objects passing the sensing area. Among other purposes, this data is used for automatic configuration in
automatic mode. The measured areas of all passing objects are also plotted in a histogram.
Error Log
The light curtain logs errors that have occurred and stores them non-volatile. Together with the error code,
the so-called run number and the time elapsed since the last restart are stored. Stored errors with the same
run number occurred in the same run. If the LVMC was able to obtain date and time from an NTP server, the
date and time are also stored.
In order to enable the interpretation of an occurred error when date and time are not available, the firmware
maintains a so-called run number, which is stored in the LVMC also in the non-volatile memory. Based on the
combination of run number and time of occurrence of the error since the last restart, the error log can be
Each time the LVMC is restarted, a new run begins and the run number is incremented by 1. However, the run
number is only stored in the non-volatile memory if an error has occurred in this run. If the device is switched
off without an error having occurred in the current run, the next run starts with the same run number after
switching on again. Thus, not every run is counted. This is due to the fact that the number of possible write
accesses to the non-volatile memory is physically limited. For the same reason, only the first occurrence of
an error with the same error code after the last restart is stored non-volatile, but subsequent identical errors
are only transiently stored. Therefore, the error log contains only the first occurrence of each error with the
same error code for the previous runs, but all errors that occurred in the current run.