Interface A2, Release Date: 02.03.2022
Page 21
LVMC User Manul A2 - 499.027.82
Unteregger Strasse 53
CH-9403 Goldach
Phone: +41 (0)71 844 02 00
+41 (0)71 844 02 10
e-mail: [email protected]
web: www.optronic.ch
Monitoring Signals
The LVMC provides the two signals "Monitoring 1" and "Monitoring 2". These are used to check whether the
device is functioning faultlessly and whether maintenance is necessary.
Signal „Monitoring 1“: (Pollution-) Warning
Signal “Monitoring 1” is active when the light curtain is in the operating mode “running” and the signal intensi-
ty of the sensor has fallen below the warning limit permanently stored in the device. There are two main rea-
sons for this:
The sensing area optics is dirty: In this case, the optics of the light curtain should be cleaned in order to
increase the light intensity again.
Due to aging, the sender or receiver power of the sensor has decreased so far that the warning limit has
been reached. This is to be understood as an advance warning that the light curtain could soon reach the
limit at which correct functioning can no longer be guaranteed. The LVMC must then be replaced or sent in
for revision, respectively.
Signal „Monitoring 2“: Operational Readiness
Signal “Monitoring 2” is used to signal readiness for operation. The output is active when the light curtain is
in the operating mode “running”, and:
The maximum permissible degree of contamination has not been exceeded. Possibly, operational readi-
ness can be restored by cleaning the optics.
The sender or receiver power required for reliable operation of the sensing area is not fallen below the
required values.
The light curtain has not detected any internal malfunction and is not defective. Various monitoring func-
tions are implemented in the LVMC, which constantly monitor the correct functioning of the hardware
and software.
If the light curtain is in operating mode “stopped“, the signal is inactive.
If no readiness for operation is signaled, the light curtain must be replaced, or returned for inspection or re-
Digital Inputs and Outputs
A total of 5 wires for digital optocoupler input and output signals are available on the 9-pin D-Sub connector.
All versions of the LVMC have at least three outputs: Output 1 is permanently assigned to the signal “Moni-
toring 2”, the other two outputs can be freely configured. Various functions are available for this purpose: For
example, the signal "Monitoring 1" can be assigned to output 2 Or output 3 can be assigned to one of the
channels, whereby, for example, each time this channel detects an object, a pulse is output.
Depending on the version of the LVMC, two additional outputs, two inputs or two bidirectional inputs/outputs
(I/Os) are available in addition to the three outputs. These are also freely configurable.