Interface A2, Release Date: 02.03.2022
Page 32
LVMC User Manul A2 - 499.027.82
Unteregger Strasse 53
CH-9403 Goldach
Phone: +41 (0)71 844 02 00
+41 (0)71 844 02 10
e-mail: [email protected]
web: www.optronic.ch
Access Levels
The software provides two access levels: The user access level and the administrative access level. At the
user access level, the light curtain can only be observed. It can not be controlled and no adjustments can be
made to the configuration. Unavailable functions are shown in gray. At the administrator access level, the
user has full access to the LVMC.
Even at the administrator access level, not all functions are always available. The availability depends on the
state of the LVMC. For example, no adjustments can be made to the configuration if the LVMC is in the "run-
ning" operating mode. Changes are only possible in the "stopped" state.
Switching between the two access levels is done via the “Miscellaneous” menu: The entry “Switch to Admin-
istrator Access Level” is used to switch to the administrator access level, the entry “Switch Back to User Ac-
cess Level” is used to switch back to the user access level.
Switching to the administrator access level can optionally be secured by a password. If an administrator
password is set, it must be entered to authorize the change. A password is defined via the entry “Set Admin-
istrator Password” in the “Miscellaneous” menu. The entry can only be selected at the administrator access
level and when the LVMC is in the “stopped” operating mode. To assign a new password, the old one must be
known. The new password must also be entered twice to avoid input errors. If you leave both input fields
empty, changing to the administrator access level is no longer password protected. If you have forgotten the
password, the LVMC must be sent to OPTRONIC AG in order to reset it.
Units of Inputs and Outputs
Many inputs and outputs have units such as "s" for seconds or "mm" for millimeters. These are part of an
input and therefore must be entered. Valid units for linear measures and time measures are:
„mm“: Millimeter
„min“: Minutes
It is up to you which unit you enter. The CMT will check your entry for validity and adjust it if necessary. It
may also be that your input is converted to a different representation. For example, if you enter "1000s" for a
period of time, the value will be converted to "16min40.0s". If you enter "0.01s" in an input field that has to be
changed in 30us steps, then this value will be converted to "10ms20us".