M2DC Series Hardware Manual
Rev. 1.1
P-71 (FI)
Input X9 noise filter
Data Range
Data type
0 - 32767
Applies a digital filter to the input X9. The digital input must be at the same level for the time period
specified by the FI command before the input state is updated. For example, if the time value is set to
100 the input must remain high for 100 processor cycles before high is updated as the input state. One
processor cycle is 250µsec. A value of “0” disables the filter.
P-72 (FI)
Input X10 noise filter
Data Range
Data type
0 - 32767
Applies a digital filter to the input X10. The digital input must be at the same level for the time period
specified by the FI command before the input state is updated. For example, if the time value is set to
100 the input must remain high for 100 processor cycles before high is updated as the input state. One
processor cycle is 250µsec. A value of “0” disables the filter.
P-73 (FI)
Input X11 noise filter
Data Range
Data type
0 - 32767
Applies a digital filter to the input X11. The digital input must be at the same level for the time period
specified by the FI command before the input state is updated. For example, if the time value is set to
100 the input must remain high for 100 processor cycles before high is updated as the input state. One
processor cycle is 250µsec. A value of “0” disables the filter.
P-74 (FI)
Input X12 noise filter
Data Range
Data type
0 - 32767
Applies a digital filter to the input X12. The digital input must be at the same level for the time period
specified by the FI command before the input state is updated. For example, if the time value is set to
100 the input must remain high for 100 processor cycles before high is updated as the input state. One
processor cycle is 250µsec. A value of “0” disables the filter.
P-76 (PR)
Communication protocol
Data Range
Data type
1 - 127
The serial communication protocol settings. There are a number of settings that can be turned on or
off in the PR command. Each setting is assigned a bit in an 8-bit binary word. The parameter of the PR
command is the decimal equivalent of this word. If the PR command is sent without a parameter the
drive will respond with the decimal equivalent of the word as well. The different protocol settings and
their bit assignments are shown below.
Bit 0: Default (“Standard SCL”)
Bit 1: Always use Address Character
Bit 2: Ack/Nack
Bit 3: Checksum (RESERVED)
Bit 4: RS-485 Adaptor
Bit 5: 3-digit numeric register addressing