© 2013 Harmonic Inc.
Ellipse 3000 r.3.0, Rev. B
Forward Error Correction. An encoding technique that permits the correction of data which
has received errors on the receiving end.
First In, First Out. A type of storage buffer in which the data is output in the order in which it
is originally input to the buffer.
Embedded software that is stored in read-only memory. Firmware can consist of startup
routines and other functions that are stored on memory devices such as ROMs, PROMs, and
flash memory
A semi-permanent memory that can be erased and rewritten multiple times.
Fiber to the curb. FTTC is an access network that delivers programming to the individual
customer. The fiber is usually terminated at the curb and connected with coaxial cable that is
usually run underground to the home.
Fiber to the home. FTTH is an access network that delivers programming to the individual
customer. The fiber is terminated at the end user site.
Frozen video
Generic term for a single frame of video displayed upon loss of input or other disruption. Also
the percentage of frozen non-black video frames in the input video source during the
sampling period.
Free To Air.
The amount of increase that an amplifier provides to the output side of a circuit.
Gigabit Ethernet. A transmission technology based on the IEEE Ethernet frame format and
protocol used in local area networks that provide a data rate of 1 billion bits per second.
Ghost PID
A non-standard
. The reader should be aware that various
standards assign PID values which will also not appear in the PSI. Those are not considered
“ghosts”. Examples are PSIP and DVB SI tables.