Chapter 6 Audio Configuration
© 2013 Harmonic Inc. Harmonic All rights reserved.
Ellipse 3000 Release 3.0, Rev. B
Coding Scheme Configuration
Output Rate (DD Pass Through)
The Output Rate parameter sets the current output audio bit rate for the Dolby Digital Pass
Through audio channel.
The DD Pass Through scheme is used when the Ellipse receives on audio stream, already encoded
in the Dolby Digital coding scheme.
The output rate of the Dolby Digital Pass Through must be set according to the output rate
assigned to the stream by the former encoder. The output rate value is affected by the Coding
Scheme and Encoding Mode parameters. This results in different available options for each
combination of Coding Scheme and Encoding Modes.
The DD Pass Through Output Rate default value is 192 Kbps. The following table details the
available values of the DD Pass Through Output Rate for each available Encoding mode.
When setting the latency control parameter to low delay, the audio output rate must be set to a high
rate (minimum of 384,000 bps). If the rate is not high enough, the encoder will display a “Dependency Check”
message. For more information about Latency Control, see
5.4.1 Latency Control (MPEG-2/MPEG-4 AVC)
Front Panel
To set the DD Pass Through Output Rate parameter on the front panel:
Root > Configuration > Audio > [Audio Channel] > DD Pass Through Params >
Output Rate
Web Manager
To set the DD Pass Through Output Rate parameter in the Web Manager:
Audio > Aud#
and access the DD Pass Through Parameters box.
Encoding Mode
Available Output Rates
56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640 Kbps
96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640 Kbps
Output Rate
‚ 56 Kbps (mono)
‚ 64 Kbps (mono)
‚ 80 Kbps (mono)
ƒ 96 Kbps