We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
This screen shows the status of the GSM modem, where fitted, and the priority order of the contact numbers
in the telephone book.
Recupero calore Ii
Serranda by-pass Off
Heat recovery Ii
By-pass damper Off
Recuper. Calor Ii
Compuert by-pass Off
Recupero calore Ii
Serr.by-pass 000%
Heat recovery Ii
By-pass damper 000%
Recuper. Calor Ii
Comp.by-pass 000%
This screen shows the two status options of the heat recovery bypass damper, where fitted: ON/OFF and
Vent.Plug-fan IT
Mandata 000%
Ripresa 000%
Plug-fan IT
Delivery 000%
Return 000%
Vent.Plug-fan IT
Impuls. 000%
Retorno 000%
This screen shows the percentages associated to the control signals of the fans installed in the delivery and
return lines, if plug fans or inverter-controlled fans are featured.
Vent.Plug-fan Iu
Segnale sonde press.
Mandata 00000Pa
Ripresa 00000Pa
Plug-fan Iu
Signal pres.probe
Delivery 00000Pa
Return 00000Pa
Vent.Plug-fan Iu
Señal sondas press.
Impuls. 00000Pa
Retorno 00000Pa
This screen shows the percentages measured by the air differential pressure transducers in the delivery and
return lines, if plug fans or inverter-controlled fans are featured.
Sbrinamento Iv1
T.evap.: -xx.x°C
Set sbrin.: -xx.x°C
Countdown: xxx s
Defrost Iv1
Evap.T.: -xx.x°C
Defr.set.: -xx.x°C
Countdown: xxx s
Descongelation Iv1
T.evap.: -xx.x°C
Set desc.: -xx.x°C
Countdown: xxx s
Sbrinamento Iv2
T.evap.: -xx.x°C
Set sbrin.: -xx.x°C
Countdown: xxx s
Defrost Iv2
Evap.T.: -xx.x°C
Defr.set.: -xx.x°C
Countdown: xxx s
Descongelation I21
T.evap.: -xx.x°C
Set desc.: -xx.x°C
Countdown: xxx s
These screens are only displayed if variable defrost is enabled. They are used to view the evaporation
temperature, the calculated defrost setpoint, and the count down before defrost starting, in circuits 1 and 2
Uscita aus.NO11: OFF
Res.vasca cond.: OFF
Aux.output NO11: OFF
Cond.tray heater:OFF
Salida aux.NO11: OFF
Res. tina cond.: OFF
This screen shows the status of auxiliary output NO11 and of the heater for condensate tray warming.
7.12 History menu
The screens in the History menu shows the last 150 alarms detected by the controller.
Select “History” in the menu and press Enter to access the History branch. The screen showing the last active
alarm appears on the display. Use the supplied arrows to scroll the other stored alarms.
N°001 10:30 01/04/18
High pressure
Circuit 1
T: 27.0°C U: 50.0%Ur