We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
Ritardi sbrinam. P05
Ingresso: 030s
Forzato: 010s
Defrost delays P05
Start: 030s
Forced: 010s
Retrasos descon. P05
Entrada: 030s
Forzado: 010s
This screen is only displayed if variable defrost is enabled. It is used to set the delay before switching to the
defrost cycle and the delay in forced defrosting activation.
Ritardi sbrinam. P06
Rit.OFF comp.2 030s
Rit.ON comp.2: 010s
Sgocciolamento: 020s
Defrost delays P06
Del.OFF comp.2: 030s
Del.ON comp.2: 030s
Dripping: 010s
Retrasos descon. P06
Ret.OFF comp.2 030s
Ret.ON comp.2: 010s
Gotear: 020s
This screen is only displayed if variable defrost is enabled. It is used to set the delay before switching to the
defrost cycle and the delay in forced defrosting activation.
Resist. sbrinam. P07
Abilita: S
Defrost heaters P07
Enable: Y
Resist. descong. P07
Permitir: S
This screen is used to enable activation of the heaters during the defrost cycle, where fitted.
Abil.resistenza P08
vasca condensa
Con unità ON: S
Con unità OFF: S
Condensate tray P08
Heater enable
With unit ON: Y
With unit OFF: Y
Permitir resist. P08
Tina de condensado
Con unidad ON: S
Con unidad OFF: S
This screen is used to enable activation of the heater designed for condensate tray warming, where fitted.
The third line in the screen is used to enable activation of the heater designed for condensate tray warming
when the unit is switched to ON.
The fourth line in the screen is used to enable activation of the heater designed for condensate tray warming
when the unit is switched to OFF.
Resist.vasca P09
Set aria est.:-1.0°C
Differenziale: 1.0°C
Condensate tray P09
Ext.air set: -1.0°C
Differential: 1.0°C
Resist.tina de P09
Set aire ext.:-1.0°C
Diferencial: 1.0°C
This screen is used to set the parameters required to enable the heater designed for condensate tray warming,
where fitted.
The third line in the screen is used to set the external air temperature below which the heater is activated.
The fourth line in the screen is used to enable the heater OFF differential.
Messa a regime P10
Abilita: N
Durata: 030min
Starting up P10
Enable: N
Period: 030min
Reiniciando P10
Permitir: N
Duración: 030min
This screen is used to enable the function that brings units supplied with dampers to a steady state, and to set
the time required to bring the unit to a steady state.
The second line in the screen is used to enable the function to bring the unit to a steady state.
The third line in the screen is used to set the time required to bring the unit to a steady state.
Nuova Pv
Password utente
New user Pv
Nueva Pv
password usuar.
This screen is used to set a new password for the User menu.