We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
This screen is used to set the min. and max. value range of the ambient temperature setpoint.
The third line in the screen is used to set the min. ambient temperature setpoint.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the max. ambient temperature setpoint.
Banda regol.temp. P4
Estate 02.0°C
Inverno 02.0°C
Zona neutra 00.0°C
Temp.regul.band P4
Summer 02.0°C
Winter 02.0°C
Dead zone 00.0°C
Banda regul.temp. P4
Verano 02.0°C
Invierno 02.0°C
Zona neutral 00.0°C
This screen is used to set the regulation differentials of the ambient temperature in summer and i winter, and
the neutral zone.
The second line in the screen is used to set the regulation differential of the ambient temperature in summer.
The third line in the screen is used to set the regulation differential of the ambient temperature in winter.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the neutral zone.
Compens. estiva P5
Temp.esterna 30.0°C
Diff. 05.0°C
Max compens. 05.0°C
Summer compens. P5
Ext.temp. 30.0°C
Diff. 05.0°C
Max compens. 05.0°C
Compens. verano P5
Temp.externa 30.0°C
Dif. 05.0°C
Màx compens. 05.0°C
This screen is used to set the parameters for the offsetting of the ambient temperature setpoint in summer.
The second line in the screen is used to set the external air temperature required for the activation of setpoint
offsetting in summer.
The third line in the screen is used to set the setpoint offsetting differential.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the max. setpoint variation when the offsetting function is enabled.
Compens. Inv. P6
Temp.esterna 00.0°C
Diff. 05.0°C
Max compens. 05.0°C
Winter compens. P6
Ext.temp. 00.0°C
Diff. 05.0°C
Max compens. 05.0°C
Compens. Inv. P6
Temp.externa 00.0°C
Dif. 05.0°C
Màx compens. 05.0°C
This screen is used to set the parameters for the offsetting of the ambient temperature setpoint in winter.
The second line in the screen is used to set the external air temperature required for the activation of setpoint
offsetting in winter.
The third line in the screen is used to set the setpoint offsetting differential.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the max. setpoint variation when the offsetting function is enabled.
Limite minimo P7
temperatura mandata
Setpoint 12.0°C
Diff. 03.0°C
Supply temp. P7
minimum limit
Setpoint 12.0°C
Diff. 03.0°C
Límite mínimo P7
temperatura impuls.
PConsig. 12.0°C
Dif. 03.0°C
This screen is used to set the min. delivery temperature value, below which the controller trips and disables
the cooling devices in summer mode.
The third line in the screen is used to set the min. temperature value in the delivery line.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the differential value at which the disabled devices are enabled
Limite massimo PA
temperatura mandata
Setpoint 43.0°C
Diff. 03.0°C
Supply temp. PA
maximum limit
Setpoint 43.0°C
Diff. 03.0°C
Límite màximo PA
temperatura impuls.
PConsig. 43.0°C
Dif. 03.0°C
This screen is used to set the max. delivery temperature value, above which the controller trips and disables
the heating devices in winter mode.
The third line in the screen is used to set the max. temperature value in the delivery line.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the differential value at which the disabled devices are enabled