We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
The third line in the screen is used to set the number of attempts required for automatic low pressure alarm
resetting within the time span recorded in the next line.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the time span during which the attempts are run for automatic low
pressure alarm resetting.
Gest.lim.serr. Ge
Soglia cond.:36.5bar
Diff.: 2.0bar
Damper lim.mng. Ge
Summer mode
Diff.: 2.0bar
Gest.lim.obtur. Ge
Operación verano
Límite cond.:36.5bar
Diferencial: 2.0bar
This screen is used to set the thresholds at which the function to limit opening of the external air damper in
summer mode is engaged. The external air damper opens according to the CO
concentration (CO
fitted) or the washing function. Opening is limited when the condensing pressure exceeds the pressure
threshold recorded in the screen, proportionally to the differential.
The second line in the screen is used to set the condensing pressure threshold after achieving which opening
of the external air damper is limited.
The second line in the screen is used to set the condensing pressure differential after achieving which opening
of the external air damper is limited.
Gest.lim.serr. Gf
Soglia evap.:07.0bar
Diff.: 2.0bar
Damper lim.mng. Gf
Winter mode
Diff.: 2.0bar
Gest.lim.obtur. Gf
Operación invierno
Límite evap.:07.0bar
Diferencial: 2.0bar
This screen is used to set the thresholds at which the function to limit opening of the external air damper in
winter mode is engaged. The external air damper opens according to the CO
concentration (CO
probe fitted)
or the washing function. Opening is limited when the evaporation pressure drops below the pressure threshold
recorded in the screen, proportionally to the differential.
The third line in the screen is used to set the evaporation pressure threshold after achieving which opening of
the external air damper is limited.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the evaporation pressure differential after achieving which opening
of the external air damper is limited.
Gest.lim.serr. Gg
Ritardo uscita: 030s
Min.serr.a.e.: 01.0V
Max.serr.a.e.: 03.0V
Damper lim.mng. Gg
Exit delay: 030s
Gest.lim.obtur. Gg
Demora salida: 030s
Min.obt.a.e.: 01.0V
Max.obt.a.e.: 03.0V
This screen is used to set the parameters relating to the limits for external air damper opening in both summer
and winter mode.
The second line in the screen is used to set the delay before the limits for external air damper opening are
The third line in the screen is used to set the min. signal value relating to the external air damper when the
limits for damper opening are enabled.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the max. signal value relating to the external air damper when the
limits for damper opening are enabled.
7.6.4 Timing branch
The Timing branch is designed for the setting of the main operating ties and delays of the unit.
Select the item “Timing” in screen Z1 and press the Enter button to enter the Timing branch. Screen "T0"
appears on the display.
Minimo tempo Off T0
compressore 0180s
Minimo tempo On
compressore 0120s
Compressor T0
min.OFF time 0180s
min.ON time 0120s
Mínimo tiempo Off T0
compresor 0180s
Mínimo tiempo On
compresor 0120s
This screen is used to set the compressor times.
The second line in the screen is used to set the min. compressor OFF time.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the min. compressor ON time.