We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
We recommend that the default passwords not be edited, otherwise access to password-
protected branches may be prevented if they are not remembered.
If the password is changed, we recommend writing the new password down in the Notes pages
at the end of this manual. Examples of time slot programming
Below are two examples of time slot programming.
Example 1 The unit is required to operate all days:
from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. with a summer setpoint equal to 26.0°C and a winter setpoint equal to 21.0°C;
from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. with a summer setpoint equal to 30.0°C and a winter setpoint equal to 15.0°C.
The fans in the unit are required to be enabled continuously.
Based on the requirements above, screens K2 though K7 have to be set as follows.
Abilita fasce K2
orarie giornaliere S
Abilita off unità
da fascie: N
Daily time zone K2
enable: Y
Unit OFF by time
zone enable: N
Habil.franjas K2
horario laboral S
Habil. OFF unidad
de franja: N
Fasce orarie K3
Inizio 07:00
Fine 20:00
Daily time zone K3
Start 07:00
Ending 20:00
Fr. horarias K3
Inicio 07:00
Fin 20:00
Fasce orarie K4
Funzionamento estivo
Set interno 26.0°C
Set esterno 30.0°C
Time zone K4
Summer working
Internal set 26.0°C
External set 30.0°C
Fr. horarias K4
Funcionamento verano
Set interno 26.0°C
Set externo 30.0°C
Fasce orarie K5
Set interno 21.0°C
Set esterno 15.0°C
Time zone K5
Winter working
Internal set 21.0°C
External set 15.0°C
Fr. horarias K5
Set interno 21.0°C
Set externo 15.0°C
Abilita OFF K6
unità da fascia
settimanale N
Unit OFF K6
by week time zone
enable N
Habil. OFF K6
unid. de franja
semanal N
The parameters in screen K7 must not be entered as the weekly time slots are disabled.
Example 2 The unit is required to operate Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. with a summer
setpoint equal to 24.0°C and a winter setpoint equal to 20.5°C. Additionally, the unit is required to be OFF from
7:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. and on Saturdays and Sundays.
Based on the requirements above, screens K2 though K7 have to be set as follows.
Abilita fasce K2
orarie giornaliere S
Abilita off unità
da fascie: S
Daily time zone K2
enable: Y
Unit OFF by time
zone enable: Y
Habil.franjas K2
horario laboral S
Habil. OFF unidad
de franja: S
Fasce orarie K3
Inizio 07:30
Fine 19:30
Daily time zone K3
Start 07:30
Ending 19:30
Fr. horarias K3
Inicio 07:30
Fin 19:30
Fasce orarie K4
Funzionamento estivo
Set interno 24.0°C
Set esterno 30.0°C
Time zone K4
Summer working
Internal set 24.0°C
External set 30.0°C
Fr. horarias K4
Funcionamento verano
Set interno 24.0°C
Set externo 30.0°C