We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
Resetting of the alarms history is an irreversible operation which causes all the alarms
recorded in the History menu up to that moment to be lost.
The following screens are used to enable the controller digital outputs manually and
to start the unit components individually for operational testing purposes. If this
operation is performed incorrectly, serious damage may be caused to the components
or to the unit.
Test DOut An
Ventil.principale N
Compressore 1 N
Compressore 2 N
DOut test An
Main fan N
Compressor 1 N
Compressor 2 N
Test DOut An
Ventil.principal N
Compresor 1 N
Compresor 2 N
This screen is used to manually enable the digital outputs of the fans installed on the delivery line and of
compressors 1 and 2.
Test DOut Ao
Compressore 3 N
Compressore 4 N
DOut test An
Main fan N
Compressor 1 N
Compressor 2 N
Test DOut Ao
Compresor 3 N
Compresor 4 N
This screen is used to manually enable the digital outputs of compressors 3 and 4.
Test DOut Ap
Valvola invers.1 N
Valvola invers.2 N
DOut test Ap
Reversing valve 1 N
Reversing valve 2 N
Test DOut Ap
Vàlvula invers.1 N
Vàlvula invers.2 N
This screen is used to manually enable the digital outputs of the cycle reversing valves in circuits 1 and 2.
Test DOut Aq
Resistenza 1 N
Resistenza 2 N
DOut test Aq
Heater 1 N
Heater 2 N
Test DOut Aq
Resistenc. 1 N
Resistenc. 2 N
This screen is used to manually enable the digital outputs of the electric heater banks 1 and 2.
Test DOut Ar
Umidificatore N
Vent.assiale 1 N
Vent.assiale 2 N
DOut test Ar
Humidifier N
Vent.axial 1 N
Vent.axial 2 N
Test DOut Ar
Humidificador N
Vent.axial 1 N
Vent.axial 2 N
This screen is used to manually enable the digital outputs of the dehumidifier and the condensing fans in
circuits 1 and 2.
Test DOut Ar2
Res.vasca condensa N
Uscita NO11 HP N
DOut test Ar2
Cond.tray heater N
NO11 output HP N
Test DOut Ar2
Res.tina cond. N
Salida NO11 HP N
This screen is used to manually enable the digital outputs of the condensate tray heater and auxiliary output
Calibrazione Az
sonda press.diff.le
Mandata 000 00000Pa
Ripresa 000 00000Pa
Diff. pressure Az
probe setting
Deliv. 000 00000Pa
Return 000 00000Pa
Calibraciòn Az
sonda press.dif.cial
Impuls 000 00000Pa
Returno 000 00000Pa