We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
7.6.5 Drivers branch
This software version does not feature the Drivers branch screens.
7.6.6 Plug Fan branch
The Plug fan branch is designed to configure plug type fans or inverter-controlled fans on both the delivery
and return sides, where fitted, and to set the main parameters required to implement air flow control.
Select the item “Plug fan” in the menu and press the Enter button to enter the Plug Fan branch. Screen "Y0"
appears on the display.
Gestione ventil. Y0
Plug-fan mandata S
N°ventilatori 1
Fan control Y0
Plug-fan supply Y
N°fans 1
Control ventil Y0
Plug-fan impulsión S
N°ventiladores 1
This screen is used to enable the presence of plug fans on the air delivery side or inverter-controlled fans, and
to set the number of fans.
The second line in the screen is used to enable the plug fans on the air delivery side.
The third line in the screen is used to set the number of fans on the air delivery side.
Gestione ventil. Y1
Plug-fun ripresa S
N°ventilatori 1
Fan control Y1
Plug-fan return Y
N°fans 1
Control ventil Y1
Plug-fan returno S
N°ventiladores 1
This screen is used to enable the presence of plug fans on the air return side or inverter-controlled fans, and
to set the number of fans.
The second line in the screen is used to enable the plug fans on the air return side.
The third line in the screen is used to set the number of fans on the air return side.
Sonda pressione Y2
Tipo 0-10 V
Min.0000 Max.2500Pa
Differential Y2
pressure probe
Type 0-10 V
Min.0000 Max.2500Pa
Sonda de presión Y2
Tipo 0-10 V
Min.0000 Max.2500Pa
This screen is used to set the type of probe to measure the air differential pressure, which is the same on both
the delivery and return sides, and the probe range.
The third line in the screen is used to set the type of probe measuring the air differential pressure.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the min. and max. value range of the probe measuring the air
differential pressure.
Vent.Plug-fan Y3
Cost.K mandata 0350
Costante K in
ripresa 0350
Plug-fan Y3
Costant K supp. 0350
Costant K 0350
Vent.Plug-fan Y3
Const.K impuls. 0350
Constante K en
returno 0350
This screen is used to set the K constants of the fan nozzles both on the delivery and return sides.
The second line in the screen is used to set the K constant of the fan nozzle on the air delivery side.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the K constant of the fan nozzle on the air return side.
Vent.Plug-fan Y4
Lim.portata mandata
Minima 001000m3/h
Massima 030000m3/h
Plug-fan Y4
Supply flow limits
Minimum 001000m3/h
Maximum 030000m3/h
Vent.Plug-fan Y4
Límite flujo impuls.
Mínimo 001000m3/h
Máximo 001000m3/h
This screen is used to set the min. and max. value range of the air flow on the delivery side.
The third line in the screen is used to set the min. air flow on the delivery side.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the max. air flow on the delivery side.
Vent.Plug-fan Y5
Lim.portata ripresa
Minima 001000m3/h
Massima 030000m3/h
Plug-fan Y5
Return flow limits
Minimum 001000m3/h
Maximum 030000m3/h
Vent.Plug-fan Y5
Límite flujo retur.
Mínimo 001000m3/h
Máximo 001000m3/h