We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
Dati unità C01
Matricola: 10012345
Data coll.: 01/01/18
Collaudatore: 0000
Unit data C01
Serial n.: 10012345
Test data: 01/01/18
Tester: 0000
Datos unidad C01
N.de serie: 10012345
Data ens.: 01/01/18
Ensayador: 0000
This screen is used to set the unit serial number, the factory acceptance testing date and the tester ID.
The second line is used to set the unit serial number.
The third line is used to set the factory acceptance testing date.
The fourth line is used to set the identification number of the tester who carried out factory acceptance testing.
7.6.3 Parameters branch
The Parameters branch is designed for the setting of the main operating parameters of the unit.
Select the item “Parameters” in screen Z1 and press the Enter button to enter the Parameters branch. Screen
"G0" appears on the display.
Regolazione G0
Temperatura P+I
Tempo integrazione
reg. P+I 600s
Temperature G0
Regulationn P+I
Integration time
on reg. P+I 600s
Regulación G0
temperatura P+I
Tiem. Integraciòn
reg. P+I 600s
This screen is used to select the type of temperature controller. The possible selections are: P (Proportional)
or P+I (Propor Integral).
The second line in the screen is used to select the temperature controller type.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the integral time on condition that controller P+I is selected in the
second line.
Compensazione G1
Setpoint N
Setpoint G1
Compensation N
Compensación G1
pconsig. N
This screen is used to enable offsetting of the ambient temperature setpoint in function of the external air
The second line in the screen is used to enable offsetting of the temperature setpoint.
Pressione atm.
per calcolo
entalpia 1000mbar
Atmosferic pressure
for enthalpy
calculation 1000mbar
presión atm.
para calc.
entalpia 1000mbar
This screen is used to set the value of the atmospheric pressure required to calculated the enthalpy. This
setpoint is effective exclusively if enthalpy free cooling is enabled.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the value of the atmospheric pressure.
Setpoint G3
Inizio 04.0bar
Fine 28.5bar
Defrost setpoint G3
Start 04.0bar
Ending 28.5bar
Consig. G3
Inicio 04.0bar
Fin 28.5bar
This screen is used to set the pressure setpoints relating to defrost start and end when pressure-controlled
defrost is enabled in screen C3.
The third line in the screen is used to set the pressure setpoint to start defrost if pressure-controlled defrost is
set in screen C3B. This value does not have to be set if variable defrost is selected, as the threshold for defrost
start is calculated dynamically, as described above.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the pressure setpoint for defrost end.
Off vent.princ. G4
durante sbrin. N
Circuiti in
sbinam.contemp. N
Main fan OFF G4
in Defrost N
Circuits in
contemp.defrost N
Off vent.princ. G4
durante desesc. N
Circuit. en
desdesc.contemp N