We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
Calibrazione Af
sonda temperatura
Int. 0.0 00.0°C
Man. 0.0 00.0°C
Temperature Af
probe setting
Int. 0.0 00.0°C
Sup. 0.0 00.0°C
Calibración Af
sonda temperatura
Int. 0.0 00.0°C
Man. 0.0 00.0°C
Calibrazione Ag
sonda temperatura
Est. 0.0 00.0°C
Temperature Ag
probe setting
Ext. 0.0 00.0°C
Calibración Ag
sonda temperatura
Est. 0.0 00.0°C
These screens are used to rectify the values measured by the temperature probes of the ambient air, the air
in the delivery line and the external air. We recommend that the value measured by a probe be rectified
exclusively if the deviation from the measurement taken by a certified instrument exceeds 0.5°C.
Calibrazione Ah
sonda umidità
Int. 0.0 00.0%Ur
Est. 0.0 00.0%Ur
Humidity Ah
probe setting
Int. 0.0 00.0%rH
Ext. 0.0 00.0%rH
Calibración Ah
sonda humed.
Int. 0.0 00.0%HR
Est. 0.0 00.0%HR
This screen is used to rectify the values measured by the temperature probes of the ambient air and the
external air. We recommend that the value measured by a probe be rectified exclusively if the deviation from
the measurement taken by a certified instrument exceeds 0.5%.
Calibrazione Ai
sonda sbrinamento
S.1 0.0 00.0bar
S.2 0.0 00.0bar
Defrost Ai
probe setting
S.1 0.0 00.0bar
S.2 0.0 00.0bar
Calibración Ai
sonda desescarche
S.1 0.0 00.0bar
S.2 0.0 00.0bar
This screen is used to rectify the values measured by the pressure probes in circuits 1 and 2. We recommend
that the value measured by a probe be rectified exclusively if the deviation from the measurement taken by a
certified instrument exceeds 0.2 bar.
Calibrazione Aj
sonda qualità aria
CO2 00 0000ppm
Air quality Aj
probe setting
CO2 00 0000ppm
Calibración Aj
sonda calidad aire
CO2 00 0000ppm
This screen is used to rectify the value measured by the air quality probe. We recommend that the value
measured by a probe be rectified exclusively if the deviation from the measurement taken by a certified
instrument exceeds 30 ppm.
Offset sonde DRV1 Ak
S1 0.0barg
S2 0.0 °C
S3 0.0 °C
Drv.1 probes offs.Ak
S1 0.0barg
S2 0.0 °C
S3 0.0 °C
Offset sond. Drv1 Ak
S1 0.0barg
S2 0.0 °C
S3 0.0 °C
Offset sonde DRV2 Al
S1 0.0barg
S2 0.0 °C
S3 0.0 °C
Drv.2 probes offs.Al
S1 0.0barg
S2 0.0 °C
S3 0.0 °C
Offset sond.Drv2 Al
S1 0.0barg
S2 0.0 °C
S3 0.0 °C
This screen is used to rectify the values measured by both pressure and temperature probes in circuits 1 and
2, which are connected to the EVD drivers of the electronic expansion valve, where fitted. We recommend that
the value measured by a probe be rectified exclusively if the deviation from the measurement taken by a
certified instrument exceeds 0.2 bar or 0.5°C.
Cancellazione Am
storico allarmi N
Alarm history Am
delete N
Cancelación Am
históric alarm. N
This screen is used to reset the alarms history.