We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
If “Fan logic on Setpoint” is set to “SWITCH OFF” a” warning” appears (see below), that asks a confirmation
for the activation of the function. In negative case, the controller set automatically the value “N”. The variable
“Fan logic on Setpoint” is set to “N” by default.
Attenzione!Solo per
unità senza serrande
e con sonda in amb.
Proseguire? -
Warning!Only for uni
without dampers and
With ambient probe.
Continue? -
Atencion!Solo para
unid.sin compuertas
con sens.de ambien
Continuar? -
Portata aria Y11
mand. in Setpoint:
Massima: 010000m³/h
Minima: 010000m³/h
Supply Airflow Y11
on Setpoint:
Maximum: 010000m³/h
Minimum: 010000m³/h
Flujo de suminis. Y11
en Setpoint:
Maxima: 010000m³/h
Minimo: 010000m³/h
The screen allows to set the limitations of the airflow rate of the supply EC fans, once the summer/winter set
is reached.
In the third row it ‘s possible to set the maximum airflow rate allowed in the screen S9 of the Setpoint menu.
In the fourth row it’s possible to set the minimum airflow rate allowed in the screen S9 of the Setpoint menu.
Portata aria Y12
ripr. in Setpoint:
Massima: 010000m³/h
Minima: 010000m³/h
Return Airflow Y12
on Setpoint:
Maximum: 010000m³/h
Minimum: 010000m³/h
Flujo de regreso Y12
en Setpoint:
Maxima: 010000m³/h
Minimo: 010000m³/h
The screen allows to set the limitations of the airflow rate of the return EC fans, once the summer/winter set is
In the third row it ‘s possible to set the maximum airflow rate allowed in the screen S10 of the Setpoint menu.
In the fourth row it’s possible to set the minimum airflow rate allowed in the screen S10 of the Setpoint menu.
7.7 User menu
The User menu is designed to set the unit parameters for temperature regulation, for ventilation management,
and for communication with the supervisory controls.
Select the item “User” in the menu and click Enter to access the User branch: screen P0 appears on the
Inserire P0
Insert user P0
Insertar P0
Access to the menu requires entry of a password: the default password is 0300.
Abilitazione P1
Compressore 1 S
Compressore 2 S
Compressor P1
Compressor 1 Y
Compressor 2 Y
Habilitación P1
Compresor 1 S
Compresor 2 S
Abilitazione P2
Compressore 3 S
Compressore 4 S
Compressor P2
Compressor 3 Y
Compressor 4 Y
Habilitación P2
Compresor 3 S
Compresor 4 S
The screens are used to enable and disable the compressors in circuits 1 (screen P1) and circuit 2 (screen
P2) separately. For instance, the compressors in one circuit are disabled when maintenance is required, but
the unit must not be switched off completely.
Limite setpoint P3
Superiore 35.0°C
Inferiore 15.0°C
Temperature P3
setpoint limit
High 35.0°C
Low 15.0°C
Límite Pconsig. P3
Superior 35.0°C
Inferior 15.0°C