We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
Fasce orarie K5
Set interno 20.5°C
Set esterno 15.0°C
Time zone K5
Winter working
Internal set 20.5°C
External set 15.0°C
Fr. horarias K5
Set interno 20.5°C
Set externo 15.0°C
Abilita OFF K6
unità da fascia
settimanale S
Unit OFF K6
by week time zone
enable Y
Habil. OFF K6
unid. de franja
semanal S
Fascia oraria K7
Lun S Mar S Mer S
Gio S Ven S Sab N
Dom N
Time zone K7
Mon Y Tue Y Wed Y
Thu Y Fri Y Sat N
Sun N
Fr. Horarias K7
Lun S Mar S Mie S
Jue S Vie S Sab N
Dom N
7.10 Setpoint menu
Select the item “Setpoint” in the menu with the arrow buttons and click Enter to access the Setpoint branch:
screen S0 appears on the display.
Setpoint S0
Est 27.0°C
Temperature S0
Sum 27.0°C
P consig. S0
Ver 27.0°C
Screen S0 is used to set the ambient temperature setpoint in summer mode. The setpoint value must be within
the max. and min. values stored in the P3 screen of the User menu.
If time slots are enabled, the setpoint cannot be edited on this screen. This operation is possible from the
dedicated screen in the Clock menu.
Setpoint S1
Inv 20.0°C
Temperature S1
Win 20.0°C
P consig. S1
Inv 20.0°C
Screen S1 is used to set the ambient temperature setpoint in winter mode. The setpoint value must be within
the max. and min. values stored in the P3 screen of the User menu.
If time slots are enabled, the setpoint cannot be edited on this screen. This operation is possible from the
dedicated screen in the Clock menu.
Setpoint S2
Est 50.0%
Humidity S2
Sum 50.0%
P consig. S2
Ver 50.0%
Screen S2 is used to set the ambient humidity setpoint in summer mode. The setpoint value must be within
the max. and min. values stored in the Pb screen of the User menu.
Setpoint S3
Inv 50.0%
Humidity S3
Win 50.0%
P consig. S3
Inv 50.0%
Screen S3 is used to set the ambient humidity setpoint in winter mode. The setpoint value must be within the
max. and min. values stored in the Pb screen of the User menu.
The following screens only appear if the unit is supplied with an air flow rate control system.
Vent.plug fan S4
Forzatura funzion.to
a portata manuale
Plug fan S4
Manual forced flow
Plug fan S4
Operaciòn de flujo
forzado manual