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2.4 Serial boards for connection to control systems
The controller is fitted with two Slave serial boards for connection to BMS control systems:
a built-in serial board (BMS2 port) operates according to the Modbus RTU protocol;
a housing for an additional serial board (BMS1 port), capable of fitting different boards depending on
the selected communication system and protocol.
2.4.1 Built-in serial board (BMS2 port)
The pCO controller has a built-in RS485 serial board in the BMS2 port which only operates with the Modbus
RTU protocol. The communication parameters of this board are enabled and set up using the relevant control
screen, as instructed below.
2.4.2 Additional serial boards (BMS1 port)
Below is a description of the additional serial boards for the BMS1 port in the controller. One board from those
available may be selected:
serial board RS485 featuring Modbus RTU or Carel protocols;
LON FTT10 board with Lonworks protocol;
pCO WEB board with Ethernet interface for SNMP, BACnet
over IP, ftp, http protocols;
serial board RS232 for connection to a GSM modem. Serial board RS485 featuring Modbus RTU or Carel protocols
Serial board RS485 can be used for connection to monitoring and remote assistance systems. It is designed
for communication with the controller through the Modbus RTU protocol or the Carel protocol.
Figure 2-3 - Serial board PCOS0004850 Serial board pCO WEB (Ethernet)
Another option for serial communication is the use of HVAC protocols based on the Ethernet physical standard
by means of board PCO1000WB0.
This serial board is designed to connect to local LAN or Internet networks through SNMP, BACnet
over IP,
ftp, http, Modbus over IP protocols.
Figure 2-4 - Serial board PCO1000WB0