We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
Sonda temperatura C9
mandata S
Tipo NTC
Enable supply C9
temperature probe Y
Type NTC
Sonda temperatura C9
Impuls. S
Tipo NTC
This screen is used to set the type of probe measuring the air temperature in the delivery line.
The fourth line is used to set the probe type.
Sonda umidità Ca
interna S
Ab.allarme S
Tipo 0-1 V
Enable internal Ca
humidity probe Y
Enable alarm Y
Type 0-1 V
Sonda humed. Ca
interna S
Activar alarma S
Tipo 0-1 V
This screen is used to enable the ambient humidity probe and the corresponding alarm, and to set the probe
The second line is used to enable the ambient humidity probe.
The third line is used to enable the alarm associated to the ambient humidity probe. The alarm is enabled
when the humidity value measured by the probe is outside the range recorded in screen Cb.
The fourth line is used to set the probe type.
Limiti sonda Cb
umidità interna
Min 0.0%Ur
Max 100.0%Ur
Internal humidity Cb
probe limits
Min 0.0%RH
Max 100.0%RH
Limit. sonda Cb
humed. interna
Min 0.0%Ur
Max 100.0%Ur
This screen is used to set the operating range of the ambient humidity probe.
The third line is used to set the min. humidity threshold measured by the probe.
The fourth line is used to set the max. humidity threshold measured by the probe.
Sonda umidità Cc
esterna S
Ab.allarme S
Tipo 0-1 V
Enable external Cc
humidity probe Y
Enable alarm Y
Type 0-1 V
Sonda humed. Cc
externa S
Activar alarma S
Tipo 0-1 V
This screen is used to enable the external humidity probe and the corresponding alarm, and to set the probe
The second line is used to enable the ambient humidity probe.
The third line is used to enable the alarm associated to the ambient humidity probe. The alarm is enabled
when the humidity value measured by the probe is outside the range recorded in screen Cd.
The fourth line is used to set the probe type.
Limiti sonda Cd
umidità esterna
Min 0.0%Ur
Max 100.0%Ur
External humidity Cd
probe limits
Min 0.0%RH
Max 100.0%RH
Limit. sonda Cd
humed. externa
Min 0.0%Ur
Max 100.0%Ur
This screen is used to set the operating range of the external humidity probe.
The third line is used to set the min. humidity threshold measured by the probe.
The fourth line is used to set the max. humidity threshold measured by the probe.
Sonda qualità Ce
aria CO2 S
Tipo 0-10 V
Enable CO2 air Ce
quality probe Y
Type 0-10 V
Sonda calidad Ce
aire CO2 S
Tipo 0-10 V
This screen is used to enable the air quality probe and the CO
probe, and to set the probe type.
The second line is used to enable the air quality probe.
The fourth line is used to set the probe type.