We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
This screen is used to set the min. and max. value range of the air flow on the return side.
The third line in the screen is used to set the min. air flow on the return side.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the max. air flow on the return side.
Allarme Sonda pre.Y6
Differenziale AB.
Seg.le minimo 000%
Seg.le massimo 100%
Diff.al pressure Y6
probe alarm EN.
Min.signal 000%
Max.signal 100%
Alarma sensor de Y6
pres.diferencial AB.
Señal mínimo 000%
Señal máximo 100%
This screen is used to enable the alarm triggered by the air differential pressure probe, and to set the min. and
max. value range for probe reading. If a probe is also fitted on the return line, the alarm and the corresponding
value range will be equally set for this probe too.
The second line in the screen is used to enable the alarm triggered by the air differential pressure probe.
The third line in the screen is used to set the min. signal of the air differential pressure probe below which the
probe alarm triggers.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the max. signal of the air differential pressure probe above which
the probe alarm triggers.
Lim.segn.mandata Y7
in fun.to manuale
Seg.le minimo 05.0V
Seg.le massimo 10.0V
Supply man.mode Y7
signal limits
Min.signal 05.0V
Max.signal 10.0V
Lím.señ.imp.en Y7
operación manual
Señal mínimo 05.0V
Señal máximo 10.0V
This screen is used to set the min. and max. range of the fan control signal on the air delivery side when the
fan speed is controlled manually.
The third line in the screen is used to set the min. signal of fans on the air delivery side in manual mode.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the max. signal of fans on the air delivery side in manual operation.
Lim.segn.ripresa Y8
in fun.to manuale
Minimo 01.0V
Massimo 10.0V
Return man.mode Y8
signal limits
Minimum 06.0V
Maximum 10.0V
Lím.señ.ret.en Y8
operación manual
Mínimo 01.0V
Máximo 10.0V
This screen is used to set the min. and max. range of the fan control signal on the air return side when the fan
speed is controlled manually.
The third line in the screen is used to set the min. signal of fans on the air return side in manual mode.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the max. signal of fans on the air return side in manual operation.
Vent.Plug-fan Y9
Set automatico S
Ritardo acquis.one
Plug-fan Y9
Automatic set Y
Acquisition delay
Vent.Plug-fun Y9
PConsig.automát. S
Retardo adquisición
This screen is used to enable the function for automatic acquisition of the air flow rate and the time span for
air flow rate acquisition required to calculate the average.
The second line in the screen is used to enable the function for automatic air flow rate acquisition.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the acquisition time of the air flow rate in order to calculate the
Gestione ventila.Y10
in Setpoint
Tipo: NO
Fan logic on Y10
on Setpoint
Mode: N
Gestion del ventil.0
en Setpoint
Tipo: NO
If the unit is provided supply plug-fans (as well as return plug-fan), the screen enables to activate the switch
off of the fans or the reduction of the airflow rate, once the cooling/heating demand is satisfied.