We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
This screen is used to select the de-activation of the air treatment fans during the defrost cycle and
simultaneous defrosting of the refrigerant circuits.
The second line in the screen is used to enable switch-off of the air treatment fans during the defrost cycle.
The fourth line in the screen is used to enable simultaneous defrosting of the refrigerant circuits in units
featuring two circuits.
Sbrinam.contemp. G5
Fine sbrinamento
Contemp.defrost G5
Defrost end
Desesc.contemp. G5
Fin desesc.
This screen is only displayed if simultaneous circuit defrosting is enabled in screen G4. It is used to set the
defrost end mode in units featuring two refrigerant circuits when simultaneous defrosting of both circuits is
enabled in screen G4.
Num.compressori G6
in deumidifica 2
Dehumidification G6
compressor number 2
Num.compresores G6
en deshumecta. 2
This screen is used to set the number of compressors that need to be enabled for the dehumidification cycle.
Ventilatore di G7
cond.2 comp.attivi
Setpoint 12.0bar
Diff. 10.0bar
Condenser fan G7
Setpoint 12.0bar
Diff. 10.0bar
Ventilador de G7
cond.2 comp.activos
PConsig. 12.0bar
Dif. 10.0bar
This screen is used to set the setpoint and the differential for condensation control when both compressors
are enabled in the refrigerant circuit.
The third line in the screen is used to set the pressure setpoint for condensation control.
The third line in the screen is used to set the pressure setpoint for condensate control.
Ventilatore di G7a
cond.1 comp.attivo
Setpoint 12.0bar
Diff. 0.5bar
Condenser fan G7a
With 1 compr.active
Setpoint 12.0bar
Diff. 0.5bar
Ventilador de G7a
cond.1 comp.activo
PConsig. 12.0bar
Dif. 0.5bar
This screen is used to set the setpoint and the differential for condensation control when one compressor only
is enabled in the refrigerant circuit.
The third line in the screen is used to set the pressure setpoint for condensation control.
The third line in the screen is used to set the pressure setpoint for condensate control.
Ventilatore di G8
evap.2 comp.attivi
Setpoint 12.0bar
Diff. 05.0bar
Evaporation fan G8
With 2 compr.active
Setpoint 12.0bar
Diff. 05.0bar
Ventilador de G8
evap.2 comp.activos
PConsig. 12.0bar
Dif. 05.0bar
This screen is used to set the setpoint and the differential for evaporation control when both compressors are
enabled in the refrigerant circuit (heat pump units only).
The third line in the screen is used to set the pressure setpoint for evaporation control.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the pressure differential for evaporation control.
Ventilatore di G8a
evap.1 comp.attivo
Setpoint 12.0bar
Diff. 0.5bar
Evaporation fan G8a
With 1 compr.active
Setpoint 12.0bar
Diff. 0.5bar
Ventilador de G8a
evap.1 comp.activo
PConsig. 12.0bar
Dif. 0.5bar
This screen is used to set the setpoint and the differential for evaporation control when only one compressor
is enabled in the refrigerant circuit (heat pump units only).