We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
Below is a description of the procedures required to enable the accessories supplied with the unit.
The accessories supplied with the unit must be installed and enabled by qualified
personnel, following the instructions provided in this manual and in the wiring
diagram of the unit.
10.1 Electric heaters
After making the electric connection of the control signals in the electrical heaters (either 1 or 2 banks), go to
screen C2 in the Manufacturer
Configuration menu and enable the number of the featured electrical heater
banks (1 or 2) in the second line. The third line in the screen automatically shows “HEATERS”.
Then go to the Pd screen in the User menu and enable the heaters. Then go to the Pe screen in the User
menu, if necessary, to edit the heater offset and regulation differential. Finally, enable activation of the electrical
heaters i defrost mode, where required, on screen P07 i the User menu.
10.2 Air quality probe
After making the electric connection of the air quality probe, and with the probe energised, go to screen Ce in
the Manufacturer
Configuration menu, enable the probe and set the probe signal type. When the next screen
appears - Cf -, set the min. and max. limits for the probe, expressed in ppm.
Finally, go to screen Pg in the User menu and enter the air quality setpoint, the differential and the neutral
regulation zone.
10.3 Additional pCO WEB serial board on BMS1 port for BACnet or
Modbus/IP protocols
Below is a simplified version of the procedure. If problems occur or in-depth
information is needed, refer to the manual of the pCO WEB serial board.
After fitting the pCO WEB serial board on the controller board, as described above, go to screen Pq in the
User menu and set the communication parameters between the serial board and the controller board.
Normally, pCO WEB boards have the default parameters below.
Network address: 1
Baud rate: 19200 bps
Protocol: Carel or Modbus.
Check that the LED in the pCO WEB board indicating communication between the serial board and the
controller board is green, i.e. communication between the pCO WEB board and the controller board occurs
Then connect the Ethernet cable to the pCO WEB board. The LED in the pCO WEB board indicating
communication between the board and the network goes green. Click the Alarm and Enter buttons on the
display simultaneously for at least 3 seconds. Then use the arrows and move the cursor on “OTHER
INFORMATION”, after which click Enter. Use the arrows to move the cursor on “PCOWEB/NET CONFIG” and
press Enter. Now, move the cursor on “PCOWEB settings” with the arrows and press Enter. A loop of screens
appears showing the IP address of the pCO WEB board (if the DHCP is enabled), the IP address of the net
mask, the IP address of the gateway, the IP address of DNS1 and DNS2, the ID and type of BACnet. The
parameters described can be edited, after which the configuration must be saved in the last screen of the loop.