We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
Sonda temperatura I1
Mandata 00.0°C
Temperature probe I1
Supply 00.0°C
Sonda temperatura I1
Impuls. 00.0°C
This screen shows the air temperature in the delivery line.
Sonda umidità I2
Interna 00.0%Ur
Esterna 00.0%Ur
Humidity probe I2
Intake 00.0%rH
External 00.0%rH
Sonda humedad I2
Interna 00.0%HR
Externa 00.0%HR
This screen shows the humidity of ambient air (internal) and the external air.
Sonda I3
Sbrinam.1 00.0°C
Sbrinam.2 00.0°C
Probe I3
Defrost 1 00.0°C
Defrost 2 00.0°C
Sonda I3
Desesc.1 00.0°C
Desesc.2 00.0°C
This screen shows the evaporation pressure in circuits 1 and 2 - units featuring a heat pump only - if
temperature-based defrosting is enabled.
Sonda I4
Pressione 1 00.0Bar
Pressione 2 00.0Bar
Probe I4
Pressure 1 00.0Bar
Pressure 2 00.0Bar
Sonda I4
Presión 1 00.0Bar
Presión 2 00.0Bar
This screen shows the pressures in refrigerant circuits 1 and 2. In summer mode the screen shows the
condensing pressure, while in winter mode the evaporation pressure is displayed.
Sonda I5
qualità aria
CO2 0000ppm
Air quality probe I5
CO2 0000ppm
Sonda I5
calidad aire
CO2 0000ppm
This screen shows the CO
concentration, as measured by the air quality probe, where fitted.
Entalpia I6
Interna 000.0
Esterna 000.0
Espessa in kcal/kg
Enthalpy I6
Internal 000.0
External 000.0
expressed in kcal/kg
Entalpía I6
Interna 000.0
Externa 000.0
medida en kcal/kg
This screen shows the measured enthalpy of both internal and external air, where enthalpy-based free cooling
is enabled.
Setpoint I7
entalpia 000.0
(rispetto ai set di
T. e U. in kcal/kg
Enthalpy I7
setpoint 000.0
(Among set of Temp.
and Hum.in kcal/kg)
Pconsig. I7
entalpia 00.0
(respecto al pc de
T.y U. en kcal/kg)
This screen shows the setpoint, expressed as an enthalpy value, which is calculated starting from the
temperature and humidity setpoints stored in the Setpoint menu, where enthalpy-based free cooling is
Ingressi digitali I8
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Digital input I8
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Entradas digital. I8
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