We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
Attivazione Pw
recupero calore
Delta temp. 04.0°C
Diff. 01.0°C
Heat recovery Pw
Delta temp. 04.0°C
Diff. 01.0°C
Activación Pw
recuper. calor
Delta temp. 04.0°C
Dif. 01.0°C
This screen is used to set the temperature difference between external air and ambient air, which is required
for heat recovery activation, and the temperature differential required for modulating recovery damper opening.
The third line in the screen is used to set the temperature difference between external air and ambient air,
which is required for heat recovery activation.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the temperature differential required for modulating recovery damper
Temp.regol.recup. Px
Diff. 07.0°C
Zona neutra 01.0°C
Diff.ZN 01.0°C
HR temp.regul. Px
Differential 07.0°C
Neutral zone 01.0°C
Diff.NZ 01.0°C
Temp.regul.recup. Px
Dif. 07.0°C
Zona neutra 01.0°C
Diff.ZN 01.0°C
Sbrin.recupero Pz
Setpoit -02.0°C
Diff. 07.0°C
Rit. 05m
HR defrost Pz
Setpoint -02.0°C
Differential 03.0°C
Delay 05m
Deses.recuper. Pz
PConsig. -02.0°C
Dif. 03.0°C
Rit. 05m
The parameters in screens Px and Pz are not used by the controller.
Abilitazione Pp
ON/OFF remoto S
ON/OFF da superv. N
ON dopo blackout S
Enable remote Pp
on/off S
Supervisor on/off N
ON after blackout S
habilitac. Pp
ON/OFF remoto S
ON/OFF de superv. N
ON tras apagón S
This screen is used to enable unit ON/OFF remotely, unit ON/OFF from the supervisory control and automatic
unit restart after a main power blackout.
The second line in the screen is used to enable unit ON/OFF remotely through a digital input.
The third line in the screen is used to enable unit ON/OFF from the BMS supervisory control.
The fourth line in the screen is used to enable automatic unit restart after a main power blackout.
Numero identif. Pq
per rete BMS1 001
Baud rate 19200bps
Protocollo CAREL
Ident.number Pq
for BMS1 net 001
Baud rate 19200bps
Protocol CAREL
Numero identific. Pq
para red BMS1 001
Baud rate 19200bps
Protocolo CAREL
This screen is used to configure the parameters required for communication with a supervisory control using
controller port BMS1.
The second line in the screen is used to set the network address of the unit.
The third line in the screen is used to set the communication baud rate.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the communication protocol.
Numero identif. Pq1
per porta BMS2 001
Baud rate: 19200bps
Protocollo: MODBUS
Ident.number Pq1
for BMS2 door 001
Baud rate: 19200bps
Protocollo: MODBUS
Numero identific.Pq1
para red BMS2 001
Baud rate 19200bps
Protocolo MODBUS
This screen is used to configure the parameters required for communication with a supervisory control using
controller port BMS2.
The second line in the screen is used to set the network address of the unit.
The third line in the screen is used to set the communication baud rate.
The fourth line in the screen shows the communication protocol: it is always MODBUS.
Porta BMS2 Pq2
N.bit: 8
Parità: NONE
Stop bit: 1
BMS2 door Pq2
N.bit: 8
Parity: NONE
Stop bit: 1
Puerta BMS2 Pq2
N.bit: 8
Parity: NONE
Stop bit: 1