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6.3.3 Dampers management Control logic of dampers
This software allows to set two different logics for dampers (if presents) management: “PROPORTIONAL” or
“PROPORTIONAL” logic drives the dampers in order to provide to the airflow an area, compared to the fully
open area, equals to the required opening percentage.
Tutte le unità dotate di serrande sono settate di default con la gestione di tipo
“LINEAR” logic drives the dampers so that the opening angle of the blades is equal to the requested opening
percentage. Minimum opening of recirculation damper
The software allows to set a minimum opening for the recirculation air damper. The minimum opening for
recirculation air damper ensures a minimum airflow through the damper. This minimum airflow allows better
and more trustable reading of the return air temperature probes, specially for two dampers units. Reduction of minimum external air damper opening based on outdoor air
This software allows to optimize minimum external air damper opening when the outdoor air temperatures are
at inconvenient values. This function allows to use a different set for the minimum opening of the external air
damper when the outdoor temperature is above or bellow the desired range defined by the temperatures Tmin
e Tmax (usually reducing the opening). This different set for the external air damper will not affect the behavior
of the unit during freecooling, freeheating or CO2 control. Recirculation air damper and expulsion air damper
will have respectively an opposed and a concordant behavior.
6.3.4 Automatic acquisition of air flow value as setpoint
The controller features the option of acquiring and recording the value of the analogue signal sent to the fans
for an interval of time. This enables calculating an average value of the signal which is stored and can be used
automatically if the air differential pressure probe, which is normally used to adjust the air flow, is alarmed. In
other words, even if the air differential pressure probe is alarmed, the fans continue to operate thanks to the
average fan command signal, i.e. the calculated average of the air flow.
This function is enabled in the Manufacturer menu when the acquisition interval time is set. Acquisition is
started in the User menu.
Automatic acquisition runs on a continuous basis. So, to store and make available the correct value in the
event of a pressure probe alarm, recording must be stopped once the preset time interval has elapsed.