We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the min. humidity setpoint.
Banda reg.umidità Pc
Estate 05.0%HR
Inverno 05.0%HR
Zona neutra 05.0%HR
Humid.regul.band Pc
Summer 05.0%rH
Winter 05.0%rH
Dead zone 05.0%rH
Banda reg.humedad Pc
Verano 05.0%HR
Inviern 05.0%HR
Zona neutra 05.0%HR
This screen is used to set the differentials and the neutral zone for humidity regulation in summer mode and
in winter mode.
The second line in the screen is used to set the differential for humidity regulation in summer mode.
The third line in the screen is used to set the differential for humidity regulation in winter mode.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the neutral zone for humidity regulation both in summer and in
winter mode.
Abilitazione Pd
Resistenza 1 N
Resistenza 2 N
Heaters enabling Pd
Heater 1 N
Heater 2 N
Habilitación Pd
Resistenc. 1 N
Resistenc. 2 N
This screen is used to enable and disable the electric heater banks no. 1 and 2.
The third line in the screen is used to enable electric heater bank no. 1.
The fourth line in the screen is used to enable electric heater bank no. 2.
Resistenze Pe
Offset 04.0°C
Diff. 02.0°C
Heaters Pe
Offset 04.0°C
Diff. 02.0°C
Resistenc. Pe
Offset 04.0°C
Dif. 02.0°C
This screen is used to set the offset for full activation of the electric heaters and their regulation differential.
The third line in the screen is used to set the offset for full activation of the electric heaters.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the regulation differential of the electric heaters.
Reg.valv.caldo Pf
Offset 3.0°C
Diff. 2.0°C
Heat valve regul. Pf
Offset 03.0°C
Diff. 02.0°C
Reg.valv.calor Pf
Offset 03.0°C
Dif. 02.0°C
This screen is used to set the offset for full activation of the modulating valve in the hot water coil and their
regulation differential.
The third line in the screen is used to set the offset for full activation of the modulating valve on the heating
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the regulation differential of the modulating valve on the heating
Qualità aria CO2 Pg
Setpoint 700ppm
Diff. 100ppm
Zona neutra 000ppm
CO2 air quality Pg
Setpoint 0700ppm
Diff. 0100ppm
Neutral zone 000ppm
Calidad aire CO2 Pg
PConsig. 0700ppm
Dif. 0100ppm
Zona neutra 000ppm
This screen is used to set the parameters required for managing the ambient air change based on the air
The second line in the screen is used to set the CO
concentration setpoint, expressed in parts per million
(ppm), after achieving which ambient air change is started.
The third line in the screen is used to set the CO
concentration differential, expressed in parts per million
(ppm), which serves as reference for setting the opening percentage of the air change damper.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the neutral zone for setting the opening percentage of the air change